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The two continued to walk on the sidewalk. But they reached this open land of grass and hills.

"Woah.." Kurt mumbled as he walked over. Dave followed. The two take a seat in the lush green grass.

"You can see when the sun sets perfectly!" Kurt beamed as he pointed to the skies.

Dave started to smile as he looked over at Kurt. His brown eyes expressing love.

Kurt lowered his hand. He looked up at Dave. His blue eyes expressing passion in return.

"It's nice out here. Isn't it?" Dave asks as he looks at the blue sky. Watching some white fluffy clouds go passed.

Kurt takes his cigarette pack out and lighter. He nodded as he lights himself one. Muffled he spoke, "I agree Dave. It's nice."

He held the cigarette in between his lips as he used his other hand to hold out the pack of them.

"Want a smoke?" He asked. Dave looked over. "Sure." He replied as he takes the pack.

Kurt tossed Dave the lighter. Flicking down the ashes as he brings the cancerous stick back to his lips.

Dave lights himself a cigarette and takes a puff off of it. Exhaling deeply as he wrapped an arm around the smaller, frailer, blond.

A timid smile started to rise onto Kurt's face. His little dimples showing up as he eyed up at Dave.

"Hi." Kurt greeted with a soft laugh. Dave hummed as he takes another drag. Jokingly he exhaled the smoke into Kurt's face.

Kurt huffed and used his hand to sway the smoke away. Dave started to chuckle. "Hi, cutie." He replied.

Gripping his flannel sleeve, Kurt held it a bit out as he puts the cigarette out onto it.

It burnt a small hole into the fabric, but Kurt could careless. He flicked the now finished cigarette down.

Dave puts his out on his jeans, since it was much easier. He then flicked his own down.

The sun began to set. Kurt laid his head onto Dave's shoulder. Watching it with tired eyes.

"It's pretty." Kurt mumbled. "Time goes by fast, huh?" Dave asks with a small chuckle.

Kurt nodded his head. "Well, with someone you truly care for and love. I guess time can move a little quicker." He responded. Lifting his head up.

But hushed himself. He didn't mean for that to slip out. His cheeks warmed up.

Dave gave a light squeeze to the blond as a smile started to grow on his face. Those words touched his heart.

"Yeah, I agree with that.." Dave mumbled. But gasped softly once he felt Kurt lay his head onto the drummers  shoulder, again.

Dave rubbed Kurt's shoulder as he turned his head. Eyeing the blond that is laying on him. His brown eyes staring at Kurt with love and happiness.

Kurt looked up at Dave. Reflecting the same emotions in his blue eyes. He lightly bit his bottom lip before he shyly looked away.

Dave felt himself start to smile.

He's so close, yet so far.

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