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Dave's brown eyes slowly look at Kurt's lips. He shifted how he sat a little. Getting himself closer to the blond.

"You sure that this is okay?" Dave asks, nervously. Kurt nodded his head timidly. Unsure what Dave is about to do.

But curious on what is going to happen.

Dave takes a deep breath and nodded his head. He placed his hands onto Kurt's shoulders.

Leaning his head down. His forehead lightly pressed against Kurt's. Kurt felt his face start to heat up.

There lips just inches away from each other. Dave bit his bottom lip before he fully leaned in.

He kisses Kurt.

Kurt's blue eyes blown open in shock. His body completely halted into a tense.

Tears of crystal clear waters started to seep out of Dave's eyes as he moved his lips softly onto Kurt's.

Slowly Dave pulled back. Sniffling quietly as he looked at the man in front of him.

"I'm sorry!" Dave exclaimed in a panic. Tears flooding out of his eyes like a river.

Kurt snapped back into reality. His cheeks warm with crimson blush. He shakes his head. Gently he grasped onto Dave's larger hands.

"No! No! Don't apologize." Kurt replied. Dave bit his quivering lip. Trying to prevent himself from breaking down from anxiety.

Dave lowered his head. Avoiding eye contact with the blond. His emotions rawly came out.

"Damnit! I shouldn't have done that! I'm a fucking idiot! I know you don't love me! So why the hell did I even try?!" He screamed out before heaving out sobs.

"DAVE!" Kurt screamed. Dave halted his panicked state. His head quickly lifted up. He never heard Kurt yell, especially that loud.

But he felt himself start to calm down when he sees a smile on Kurt's face. He wasn't mad?

Dave sniffled as he muttered. "What...? You're not mad at me?" He asks. Kurt shakes his head. "No, I'm not." He replied, much calmer.

"I don't understand...!" Dave cried out as he moved his hands. He covered his face with them.

Kurt gave a little smile as he moved Dave's hands away. "Davey, look at me." He muttered softly.

Dave slowly lifted his brown eyes. Holding his tears back. Biting the inside of his cheek. He makes eye contact with Kurt.

"What..?" Dave whimpered out.
Kurt leaned his head close and started to softly kiss Dave's tears away.

The drummer gasped softly once he felt the little kisses. He hiccuped a sob as his eyes filled up with them again.

"I don't get it..!"Dave's voice cracked. "You love Courtney, I thought.." he whimpered out. Kurt continued to kiss Dave's tears away.

The frontman's arms wrap around Dave and held him close.

His brown eyes watered as he looks up at Kurt. "Kurt, fucking answer me." He sneered before hiccuping a whimper.

Kurt only smiled at this. He sighed softly. His hand going up and petting Dave's hair. "Not until your calm first." He replied.

Dave shuts his eyes. Enjoying his hair being played with by the other man. He started to take a few deep breaths.

Kurt twirled a strand of Dave's hair before he planted a kiss on the drummers temple.

"Calm?" Kurt whispered into Dave's ear. Dave opened his eyes. He nodded his head.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm calm." He replied with soft sniffle leaving his nostrils. Kurt felt himself smile. "Good, sit up."

Dave did as told. He sits up. Kurt reached out and held onto the drummers larger hands.

Brushing his paler thumbs on Dave's skin, Kurt flashed Dave a warm smile. "Now," he paused.

Clearing his throat as he stared into Dave's eyes with love. Dave returned the look. He is about to speak up, but Kurt hushed him.

"No. Don't speak. Just listen to me. Okay?" Kurt sweetly asks. Dave nodded his head. Afraid to break eye contact.

"I don't love Courtney anymore." Kurt admitted the truth. "Since she cheated on me, it really affected me. But, I'm alright. Because I found someone else that I love."

Dave felt a pain hit his heart. Boy, he's oblivious. Kurt leaned his face close. He exhaled softly into Dave's ear.

Making the drummer go red in the face. He hesitated, but asked anyway.

"Who do you love..?" Dave asks.

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