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Dave sighed and went up the stairs. Kurt is nowhere to be seen. 'Probably in his room.' Dave thought.

He walked himself over to Krist's room. He softly knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal a tired bassist.

"What?" Krist groggily asked. "I need to talk. It's important." Dave replied. Visibly showing the facial expression of stress.

"Oh, come in." Krist replied. Blinking away his sleepiness. He allowed Dave into his room.

Dave sits on the floor. Holding his head in his hands. Krist shuts the door and walked over.

He knelt down to Dave. "Now, what is it bub?" He asked. Dave laughed a little but it soon calmed down.

"It's about Kurt and Courtney.." he began. Krist shakes his head and sits next to Dave. "Still jealous about them?"

Dave rolled his eyes. "Damnit, Krist!" He raised his voice. "I saw bruises on Kurt's arm! They're obviously from her!"

Krist fell quiet now. His eyebrows furrowed. "..Really now?" Dave nodded. "Yes! And then-"

The two are interrupted by the sound of arguing. Dave and Krist snap their heads at the door.

"They're fighting.." Dave mumbled. "Shh, listen." Krist snapped in reply.
The two fell quiet, listening to the argument between the couple.


"Kurt! You said an hour! I waited in here for you!" Courtney screeched. Kurt scoffed. "I went out to smoke a cigarette!"

"Oh shut the fuck up, will you?! You think you're so innocent all the damn time!" Courtney screamed in reply.

Kurt went wide eyed and scoffed. "Me?! Innocent?! Whatever!"

Courtney laughed and pulled Kurt close to her. Her arms wrapped tightly around the smaller blond man's waist.

"Listen to me. What did I tell you about hanging out with David?"Courtney sneered into Kurt's ear.

"I wasn't hanging out with him..." Kurt lied. "You weren't?" Courtney asked, much calmer. She believes him. Kurt shakes his head.

"Then, next time. Don't take so fucking long!" She shouted and pulled Kurt's head up. She crashed her lips onto Kurt's.

Kurt hesitated but returned the kiss. Then, the couple went silent. The two laying together and holding each other.

Dave and Krist didn't hear anything else. "Something's off.." Krist muttered after a few heavy silent moments.

"No shit!" Dave replied. "it's her man! I'm telling you!"

Krist nodded in agreement. "Let's keep a closer eye on them." Dave sighed, "I'm worried for Kurt, man.." his voice cracked.

Tears fill into Dave's eyes before he wiped them away. "I should get to bed. You too, sorry for just bombarding you with this."

Krist shakes his head. "Oh don't worry about it man, I'm on the same page. Something seems really off."

"Yeah...." Dave trailed off as he gets up. "Well, goodnight Krist." He walked to the door and exits.

"Night, Dave." Krist replied as the bedroom door shuts.

Dave walked down the hall. Walking passed Kurt's room, he stared at it for a moment.

Before he walked himself further down the hall and into his own room. He opened the door and entered.

Slipping off his shirt and laying flat on his back. He stared at the ceiling.

"I'll protect you, Kurt."
"I swear."
Dave mumbled to his ceiling.

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