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"Let's fix your hair cut a little.. you chopped it pretty unevenly, so I might have to do a little trim." Dave informed.

Kurt slowly gets up, he shakes his hair with his hands. Loose cut strands fell onto the floor.

"Probably, should." Kurt mumbled in agreement. "Here." Dave mumbled as he suddenly lifted Kurt up by the hips.

The blue eyed man tensed up but relaxed once he was sat on the bathrooms sinked counter.

He saw his reflection. Just blankly staring at himself. Dave felt a smile grow on his face.

Picking up the scissors from the floor, Dave also picked up the little comb. "I'll fix it, don't worry." He murmured into Kurt's ear.

Kurt felt himself start to blush. "Dave, am I ugly..?" He asked softly. Staring at himself.

Dave is brushing Kurt's hair to make sure it was flat. He shakes his head."No dear, you're really pretty." He replied smoothly.

The blond's face turned more red. his lips timidly curled up into a smile. "Thank you."

"Of course, now. I'm going to cut your hair, fix the unevenness. Okay?" Dave softly spoke, very sweet and caring.

Kurt gave a small thumbs up. Dave saw in the reflection and chuckled. He started to cut Cobain's blond hair.

Fixing it, Dave hummed softly. Watching the little blond strands fall onto the counter and floor.

"Almost done, then you're going to take a shower. Okay?" Dave mumbled into Kurt's ear.

Kurt mumbled. "Oh, okay..." He sounded so hesitant. Dave cuts the last strands he needed and then sets the scissors down.

The drummer pecked Kurt's cheek. Setting down the scissors on the counter.

"I'll go get you some PJs. You'll be alright." He tried to reassure, but Kurt wasn't responding.

He just blankly stared at the ground. He gets off the counter. Dave ran a hand into Kurt's hair.

He ruffled it and smiled. "Your haircut looks much better. It suits you. Very cute."

Kurt looked up at Dave. His lips curled upwards as he replied shyly. "Thank you."

Dave nodded. "Mhm, now I'll be right back." He exited the bathroom and after a few minutes he came back.

Kurt's striped PJ set folded in Dave's hands as he sets it on the counter. "There you go, I'll be downstairs waiting. Okay?" He informed.

"Mhm.", Kurt hummed in reply. Dave gave a sympathizing smile as he left the bathroom. He shuts the door.

Allowing Kurt to take his shower.

Meanwhile with Dave,

He walked down the stairs, briefly hearing the water running. He sighed in relief.

Sitting on the couch next to Krist. The bassist turned his head. "Is Kurt okay?" He asked.

Dave nodded his head. "He's much better.. I think. He's taking a shower. We cut his hair." He explained.

"Oh, well okay. We probably shouldn't bring her up then..I don't want to trigger his emotional state." Krist replied and sighed.

"I just can't believe he hid this from us." Dave whimpered out. Krist wrapped an arm around Dave.

"He was probably scared, Dave. But I'm sure he'll be alright." Krist reassured and squeezed his friends arm.

Dave laughed softly. "Yeah...but I'm so relieved that we found out." Krist moved his arm away.

Suddenly the two heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs.

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