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Kurt broke down. He held in so much pain and this was the final straw. He fell to his knees.

Hiding his face as he sobbed. Dave crouched down. He placed a hand onto the frontman's back.

Krist felt bad for the blond as well. Kurt is is his best friend. He knelt down. "Hey.."

Kurt sobbed louder. He lifted his head and covered his face with his hands. His hair draping over his face.

"Kurt.." Dave spoke up. Kurt lifted his head. "Leave me alone." His voice cracked. He gets up from where he was collapsed on the floor.

"But-" Dave started. Kurt shakes his head. "It's your fault!" He shouted at the drummer.

Dave scoffed. "Mine?!" He shouted. Kurt is now standing on his two feet. Krist and Dave get up.

All three men standing.

"Yes! Yours! She said that if I hanged out with you that something would happen!" Kurt scolded at the drummer.

Standing slightly on his tippy toes and pointing a finger up at Dave's face. Dave shouted back. "Are you fucking serious?!"

Krist suddenly shouted. "ENOUGH."

The two fell quiet. Krist looked at the two. "Guys! Stop fighting!" He sneered. "I can't believe this. Kurt, listen to me for a second." Krist scolded at the blond.

"Fuck you!" Kurt spat as he started to go up the stairs. Dave felt his heart began to crack. "Kurty!..." He cried out.

Dave felt his eyes water as he balled his fists. Kurt didn't answer. The bathroom door upstairs slammed shut.

Krist shakes his head. He sets a hand onto Dave's shoulder. "Bud.." he began but Dave shoved Krist's hand off.

"I can't believe he thinks it's my fault!" Dave snapped. Krist shakes his head.

"He's just mind-fucked from Courtney. She gaslighted him. Okay?" He replied, much calmer.

Dave felt himself calm down. He nodded. "I know...I know. God, I fucked things up. Damnit!" He cussed.

"Go up and talk with him." Krist mumbled. Dave looked at the tall bassist. "you think he'll listen..?"

Krist nodded. "He will. He's probably just confused and heartbroken right now. He needs you."

Dave realized and widened his eyes. He wiped his tears away. "Right..! I'm going up there."

Krist patted Dave's back. "I wish you luck, my friend." He joked. Making Dave chuckled a bit.

"Thanks." He bitterly replied and started to go up the stairs.

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