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Suddenly, Dave's cold hand went up and placed itself underneath Kurt's layered shirts.

Placing it on Kurt's stomach. Kurt sighed in relaxation from the coldness.  Dave added a bit of pressure as he started to massage soft little circles.

"Mm." Kurt grunted softly as he kept his blue eyes now glued on the television. Watching the movie.

Dave is paying attention to the blond that is laying with him rather than the film.

His brown eyes looking at Kurt with love as he continued to massage the blond's stomach.

"Is this helping?" Dave whispered into Kurt's ear. Kurt felt himself smile. His dimples appeared on his face as he nodded.

"Mhm, Davey." He hummed in a positive reply. Which is true. The pain is subsiding. He feels relieved and thankful for Grohl.

Dave continued this for a few minutes before just resting his hand there on Cobain's stomach.

"Is this ok?" He murmured into Kurt's ear. Kurt nodded. The blanket completely coiled around the blond.

Dave kept his colder hand on Kurt's warm stomach. Since the blond is wearing layers and having a blanket on him, he is rather warm.

Maybe that's why he was sweating a little previously, in which Dave assumed. Since Kurt isn't sweating now.

The two bandmates fell quiet. Just remained in this position. From the darkness of the room, and the TV quietly playing.

Kurt got very tired. His heavy eyelids came into a close. Dave's previous cold hand now has gotten warm.

Kurt falls asleep. But Dave remained awake. His brown eyes glanced at the clock. It read 1:45AM. He blinked in disbelief.

He swore he watched the sunset with Kurt only a little bit ago. But alas time goes by fast with the people you love to be around.

The brunet slowly moved his hand off of Kurt's stomach. Making the blond whimper slightly.

The drummer curled some of his long brown hair behind his ear. Then, he puts his hand back into the same spot.

Hearing a small happy sound leave Kurt's sleepily lips. It made Dave's heart happy.

"Right here, mm, right here." Dave whispered into the blond's ear. The film came to it's ending close.

He picked up the remote. Glancing at the sleeping blond, he switched the TV to the silent blue screen.

Using his hand, he slowly moved Kurt's sleeping head. The blond's locks slowly swayed once his head is turned.

"I'll carry you up." Dave mumbled. He carefully got off the couch. Then, he proceeded to gently pick up Kurt.

Kurt whined as his head rolled and laid onto Dave's shoulder. The blanket remained on the couch.

"Mm..?" Kurt hummed as his eyes fluttered a bit open. Dave realized and chuckled. "Want to sleep in my room tonight?" He asks.

Kurt opened his eyes more. Blinking the sleepiness out of them as he shyly nodded his head.

"Can we..talk in there..?" The frontman softly asks. Dave nodded. "Of course we can." He replied.

Dave held Kurt softly closer as he carried the shorter frailer blond man in his arms.

Walking up the stairs, he hummed softly as he reached to the hall. Walking down the hall, Dave carried Kurt into his bedroom.

Once they entered, Dave used his foot to shut the door. He carried Kurt to the bed and softly placed him down into it.

Kurt felt much more refreshed from the short nap he took. He looked at Dave lovingly as he watched the drummer sit on the bed.

Using his hand, Dave brushed Kurt's bangs out of his face. Making the frontman giggle softly.

The blond sits up. Now both men are sitting side by side on the bed. The two looked at each other with love.

Dave cleared his throat. "So, what do you want to talk about?" He asked.

Kurt quickly got shy once again. His bright blue eyes quickly darted themselves to the floor.

"It's more of.. something rather important I need to ask or..tell." Kurt shyly replied.

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