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A few weeks have gone by. Everything has settled down. They've performed  a few days ago, but now are currently on break.

Dave is sitting on the couch. A lightened cigarette in between his finger tips.

Krist decided to leave and visit Shelli for a little while. But also, he knows how Dave feels about the frontman.

So this is Dave's chance.

Kurt is seated next to the brunet. He shyly takes the cigarette out of Dave's hand.

"Hey-" Dave started but giggled once he realized Kurt is taking a drag of it. He exhaled the cloud of smoke into the air.

Feeling his body relax as he handed it back to Dave. "Here." Kurt mumbled. Dave takes it back.

Kurt lazily watched TV. Moving his jaw around as he slumped deeper into the couch.

Dave sets his cigarette into the ash tray. Letting the little steam of cigarette smoke rise into the air.

"I'm so fucking bored!" Kurt suddenly groaned. Moving his eyes away from the TV as he giggled at Dave.

Dave looked over. His breath got caught in his throat. He noticed the same look in Kurt's eyes.


"Well, how about we go out on a little walk? It's a nice evening out. The sun is a little out. What about it?" Dave says the idea.

Kurt looked at his striped PJs. He's been wearing them for weeks since the lack of motivation to change out of them. He even performed in them.

He stared at himself in disgust for a moment. Dave realized. He placed a hand onto Kurt's shoulder.

"Go get dressed, hon. You've been wearing those for a while now."He acknowledged towards the blond. The nickname rolling off his tongue so easily.

Kurt pushed himself up from the couch. He nodded. "Definitely should. I feel fucking gross." He sneered.

Dave gave a sympathizing smile as he watched Kurt leave the room and up the stairs.

Rather with Grohl, he's kept up on his hygienist needs, at least – better than Kurt has been doing.


Kurt is rummaging through his dresser. He takes out a few plain long sleeves, his mudhoney tee and a flannel.

Slipping on his layers. He leaves the flannel undone  and switched his pants into some jeans.

Tossing his PJs to the floor. He ran a hand through his greasy mangled blonde hair.

"C'mon Kurt!" Dave hollars from the stairs. Not in a angry way, but more in a friendly love.

"Yeah, I'm coming alright." Kurt grumbled and puts on his converse. He licks his lips and picks up a pack of cigarettes.

He walked down the stairs to notice Dave is all ready to go. He looked up at the taller drummer and gave a warm smile.

"Ready?" Dave asks. Holding a hand out. Kurt blushed a little. He held onto Dave's hand.

"Mhm." He shyly hummed out. "Great!" Dave replied.

The two went outside the home. Dave shuts the door behind himself as Kurt trotted down the little porches steps.

Kurt takes in the scenery he sees so far. Admiring the trees and the white puffy clouds.

Shoving his cigarette pack into the back of his jeans. He muttered to Dave. "You should go out that cigarette on the ash tray."

Dave gasped and quickly went inside. Kurt started to giggle as he watched from outside.

Dave puts the cigarette out. "Good fucking call, my dumbass could've burnt the place." He replied from inside.

The cigarette on the ash tray now is out and rested inside. Dave picks up a lighter.

Walking back out and he shuts the door. He held the blue colored lighter to Kurt.

"I saw that pack. You might need this to light em." Dave says and winked afterwards. He handed Kurt the lighter.

Kurt giggled as he takes it. Shoving it into his other back pocket. "Right. I'm so dumb."

Dave shakes his head in disagreement. But didn't push it further. The two began their stroll.

The drummer admired the frontman. Watching how Kurt would occasionally skip around or spit on the sidewalk.

His laughter rises into the air making the drummer swoon. He adores Kurt's laughter. In fact,

he adores everything.

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