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Halfway through the film, Krist decided to call it a night and head for bed.

"Have a goodnight, don't stay up too late." He teased at the other three. Then disappeared upstairs.

Courtney's hand is playing with Kurt's blond greasy hair. His head laying on her thigh as he sleepily gazed at the TV.

Not just for exhaustion, but emotionally tired as well. He felt heavy in his heart.

Dave is seated across from the couple. In the same brown chair he previously sat in before.

Occasionally the drummer will make glances over. Making sure Kurt is okay. But he can see the hurt in the blond's eyes.

Courtney's hand yanked Kurt's head up. A small hiss in pain escaped out of the male.

Dave's eyes snapped over. But immediately felt jealousy once her lips are pressed against Kurt's.

Kurt returned the kiss that he shared with his girlfriend. He pulled back and smiled lovingly at her.

But Dave's eyes somewhat relaxed as he watched them. His heart ached. Noticing how Courtney returned the smile.

But her smile was more malicious. Suddenly she grasps Kurt's thin wrist and yanked him off the couch.

He stumbled and fell on his knees. Laughing at himself as his blue eyes stared at the woman. "Courtney!" He scolded at her.

"Sorry, hon. Let's go get a drink." She replied. Kurt sluggishly stood himself up. "You should've told me.."

"Let's go." She repeated. More stern than before. Dave is silently watching. Feeling some anxiety crawl up his throat.

"Alright," Kurt let's out soft laugh. "I'll come with. C'mon, babe." He replied as the couple enter the kitchen.

Dave doesn't get up. Instead he ease drops on the conversation. Feeling a pit in his stomach that he did not like.

"Damn it, Cobain. Did you see Dave?" Courtney's voice spoke. The fridge door opening and then closing.

Dave listened close. His brown eyes glancingly staring at the kitchens entrance.

"No. What are you talking about?" Kurt asks. He sits at the table. A glass of milk cupped in his hands.

Suddenly Courtney's voice got higher in anger. "God damnit, Kurt! You really are stupid sometimes! He was staring directly at you!"

Kurt takes a sip of his drink before he replied. "I'm not sure what you're talking about." Which is true, the frontman's eyed the television the entire time.

Courtney huffed as she sits herself directly into Kurt's lap. Her hands went up into her boyfriends long blond hair.

"You're so oblivious to everything.....it's cute. Dumb, but cute." She complimented with a laugh.

Kurt eyed her lovingly as he sets his glass on the table. "Mm, sorry." He briefly apologized to her.

"Oh shut up." Courtney replied, rather her sweet gesture quickly turned rough. She pulled harshly onto Kurt's hair and got herself off Kurt's lap.

Kurt winced slightly as he gently moved her hand away. "Ow. Why do you keep hurting me?" He asks, rather softly.

But Dave heard. He's hearing everything. His teeth clench. His eyes water in anger and worry.

Courtney only laughed. Very obnoxiously as she crossed her arms. "Babe! How is that hurting you? It really doesn't, I think you're just saying that."

Kurt really did feel pain. But he didn't reply to her. He shrugged and apologized. "Sorry."

Courtney rolled her eyes and picked up her boyfriends drink. She drinks the rest of the milk that was inside.

Carrying the empty glass to the sink, she clashed it inside. "Well, Pixie-Meat,   if I catch David staring at you one more time, I swear you will get it."

Kurt only nodded in response to this before saying. "I love you."

Courtney's red lipstick stained lips curled upwards. She giggled and walked over. Opening her arms and hugging her boyfriend.

"Ohhh, how I adore you!" She cheered happily. Placing a large kiss onto Kurt's cheek.

But the two had no idea, Dave is watching them. Rather now standing and slightly peering his head into the kitchen.

He had to get closer. And he heard all of it. What did Courtney mean? Whatever she meant, it didn't sound great.

Courtney traveled her lips down and placed them into Kurt's. Kurt hesitated. He felt watched.

Keeping his eyes open, he felt her lips moving against his. Her eyes shut. Kurt noticed Dave is standing there. He raised an eyebrow.

He pulled back from Courtney's kiss and stared directly at his girlfriend in front of him.

Making sure it wasn't obvious Dave is standing there. Courtney grinned and grabbed Kurt's wrist.

Kurt whimpered. Underneath the layers of long sleeves and a sweater he has on, bruises littered across his arms.

All from her.

But he hides them, he doesn't want anybody to find out. He sighed emotionally in pain.

His blue eyes stared up at his girl, but now they are full of pain. Courtney only smiled at her boyfriend's pained look.

"Oh baby, you'll be just fine..." She trailed off. Her hands leaving his wrists and going upwards. She cupped Kurt's cheeks.

"I know." Kurt replied. His voice now laced of exhaustion and depression. Courtney kissed Kurt's forehead.

"Love you." She says.
"I love you too." Kurt replied.

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