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Krist noticed Kurt's haircut and smiled. "Hey, I like your haircut bud. It suits you." He complimented.

"Thanks." Kurt mumbled and takes a seat in between the two. His eyes reflecting emptiness.

Dave realized and frowned a little. Looking lovingly into Kurt's eyes. Kurt glanced over at Dave. He tried to smile but he couldn't bring himself to do it suddenly.

He looked away. Tucking up his knees. He sniffled a little as he hugged his knees.

"You okay?" Krist asks. Kurt turned his head to the bassist. "Mmhmm." He hummed in reply.

"Hey, I'll make some macaroni and cheese. How does that sound, Kurt?" Krist asks. Kurt nodded his head.


Krist gets up and left the room. Leaving Dave and Kurt alone inside the living room.

Dave calmly sets a hand onto Kurt's thigh. Kurt slowly lifted his eyes to look at Dave.

"You  okay?" Dave asked softly. Kurt laid his head onto the drummers shoulder.

"Mm." Kurt hummed. "Kurt, talk to me. Please?" Dave asked.

"-Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just feeling tired. It's been a long day.." Kurt replied.

Dave understands. It really has. The performance, finding out..that, the breakdown, he completely understood Kurt's pain.

"Yeah, I understand that. It's been a rough day, hasn't it?" Dave asked. He rubbed Kurt's thigh soothingly.

Kurt tucked his face into Dave's neck. Dave felt himself start to blush. The drummer moved his hand and wrapped it around the blond.

"Yeah, it's been hectic day.. I just want to stay quiet." Kurt answered back. Dave felt himself start to smile. "Oh, well okay. That's fine with me. If it can help you."

Kurt simply nodded his head in response. Keeping his head tucked into Dave's neck.

"Kurt! Dave! Dinner!" Krist's voice called from the kitchen. The two separated from the embrace.

Dave held a hand out for Kurt. Kurt didn't speak, rather he just grasped gently onto Dave's hand. He gets pulled up from the couch.

The two walked into the kitchen and take a seat down at the table. Krist sets two bowls of macaroni and cheese.

Kurt calmly eats the meal in front of him. All three ate in silence for a moment before Krist spoke up.

"Hey, Kurt how are you?" Krist asks. But Dave looks over at the bassist and shakes his head.

Krist raised an eyebrow. Dave briefly explained. "He doesn't feel motivated to talk anymore for the rest of the day."

"Oh." Krist briefly replied. The three bandmates continued to eat now in silence.

Kurt only ate half of his meal before he gets up. He went over to Dave and whispered in his ear. "Night."

He then disappeared upstairs.

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