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Kurt stared up at Dave. "You do..?" He croaked out. Dave nodded his head. "Well of course I do, Kurt!"

Kurt stared at Dave with shock for a moment before he relaxed. His lips turning upwards into a smile of love.

"Remember when I first lashed out on you..? When I was jealous..?" Dave asks as he held onto Kurt's hands.

Kurt timidly nodded his head. His blond hair swayed a little once he made the head movement. "Kinda." He replied.

Dave chuckled. "How I said, 'You've should've loved me.' does that ring a bell..?"

It clicked in Kurt's head. Kurt shot his blue eyes up to look at Dave. He nodded his head.

Dave leaned his head down. He kissed Kurt's cheek. "Well, it turns out you do love me."

Kurt snickered as he crawled himself into Dave's lap. He wrapped his arms around Dave's neck.

"Dave..?" Kurt shyly called the others name. Dave felt himself smile. Placing his larger hands onto Cobain's hips.

"Yeah, Kurty?" He asked in reply.

Kurt mumbled into Dave's ear. "Can you be my boyfriend?" Dave's lips curled into a grin once he heard the question.

"Of course I can be." Dave replied sincerely with love and care. Kurt smiled as he kissed Dave's cheek.

"You missed." Dave teased as he leaned in. The frontman blushed as he felt Dave's lips be pressed onto his own.

Returning the kiss, Kurt started to smile. The newly couple pulled back with a soft smack of their lips.

Bitting their bottom lips, they leaned back in for another kiss. This one much more deeper and passionate.

Their lips happily moving in sync with each other. Kurt's hands went up into Dave's hair. Tangling his fingers into it. As he slightly tilted his head.

Dave lightly gripped onto Kurt's hips before he pulled back. They both softly panted as the men eyed each other with love.

"Holy shit.." Kurt says in disbelief. Making Dave chuckle. "How did that feel?" He asks.

"Fucking electrifying.." Kurt whimpered softly as he placed his lips softly back onto Dave's.

Dave felt himself smile as he returned the kiss. Then he pulled back. His lips softly kissing Kurt's slightly stubbled jawline.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you for..how long I've wanted you to be mine." Dave spoke huskily as he left little kisses.

His lips traveled to Kurt's neck. Lightly kissing and sucking at the sensitivity of Kurt's skin.

Kurt softly giggled as his hands left Dave's hair and rested on his back. Letting out soft whimpers and gasps from the warm fuzzy feeling.

Dave left a few dark marks, hickeys – on Kurt's neck before he pulled away. He smirked once he realized what he has done.

The frontman lifted his hand, rubbing where the hickeys are as he giggled. "You fucker." He teased, making Dave laugh softly.

"Sorry, babe. I couldn't help myself. You just look so fucking cute!" Dave exclaimed. Now holding on his boyfriends cheeks.

Kurt broke into a fit of giggles as he replied. "Thank you." Dave hummed softly as he leaned in.

He brushed his nose against Kurt's. [giving the blond butterfly kisses.] Making Kurt laugh more.

"Davey! That tickles!" Kurt exclaimed happily before he was silenced by Dave kissing him on the lips.

Kurt returned the kiss with ease. He then pulled back. His head turning to the bedroom door.

He froze. Seeing Krist standing there with a smirk dancing on his lips. Dave looked over. He got startled.

"GAH-!" Dave exclaimed as he accidentally fell off his bed. Kurt and Krist began to laugh.

"Where'd you come from?!" Dave asks as he pointed a finger at Krist. Krist smirked. "I came home a few minutes ago."

Kurt suddenly started to blush. "Wait, you saw that entire thing?!" He squealed out. Dave gets back up.

He sits on the bed and pulled his blond headed boyfriend close. Holding him and peppering kisses all over the blond's face.

"Oh don't worry, I haven't been standing here long. I just wanted to check on ya." Krist replied with a chuckle. "nice hickeys."

Kurt went wide eyed as he tried to cover them up with his hands. "Krist! I swear to God!" He shouted in embarrassment.

Dave started to laugh as he sets Kurt back on his lap. Kurt shyly hides his face into Dave's chest as he whimpered.

Krist calmed his laughter. "it's alright Kurt, I'm just teasing." He reassured. The frontman lifted this head and glared at the bassist. A small pout resting on his face.

Dave plays with Kurts hair as he looked at the bassist. "Well, I confessed to Kurt. So, he's my boyfriend now."

Krist stiffled a laugh. "Have him. Just treat him well, Dave." Dave rolled his eyes. "Of course I'll treat him well! He deserves all the love in the world!" The drummer swooned.

Leaving more kisses to Kurt's face. Making the blond burst into a fit of shy laughter.

Krist smiled at the couple happily before turning around the exit. "I'm going to head to bed. That couch is screaming my name."

Dave looked over and rolled his eyes. "Well, there's a blanket down there. Wait– I bet you came up to get a blanket huh?"

Krist picked up the folded blanket from the hallway. He nodded. "More the merrier! Then I noticed your door was accidentally cracked. So I just opened it and saw you two making out!"

Dave groaned. "GAHH– Get the fuck out!!" Krist laughed and nodded. "I will, I will. You two love birds behave, alright!"

Kurt is hiding his face into Dave's shoulder. Taking in his boyfriends scent with a warm smile resting on his face.

Krist then left the room. Making sure the door is completely closed this time.

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