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Dave eyed Kurt with love. Krist was purposely driving much slower. So the two can share this moment for each other.

Carefully, the drummer lifted up Kurt's sleeve. He gazed at the bruises. Now they are a yellowy color.

"My poor, baby.." Dave mumbled sadly. Krist stopped at the light. He turned his head. "Is he okay?"

Dave lifted his head. "Oh yeah, Krist.." Krist furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" He is confused.

"Well," Dave cleared his throat. "A few weeks ago, Kurt had dark bruises on his wrists and forearm...I think they're from her. Remember?"

Krist did. He nods. "Yeah, but they have been so sweet to each other. I must've forgotten. Stupid. How is Kurt?"

"He's fine. Just sleeping. His wrists are still bruised but not as bad as before." Dave mumbled. He leaned his head down.

He left little kisses to Kurt's wrists. Kurt whimpered. The light changed, Krist faced the road and started to drive again.

The blond's eyes slowly fluttered open. He freezes up. "Dave..?" He croaked out.

Dave placed one last kiss on the largest bruise. He tensed up and looked at the blond.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see.." he trailed. "...See how your wrists are." He cleared his throat.

Kurt pulled his sleeves down. Pulling them over his hands as he sits up. His hair swayed as he huffed.

"Well, they're fine. Okay?" Kurt suddenly snapped. Krist decided to stay quiet. Focusing on the drive.

Dave sighed softly as he held Kurt close. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried about you."

Kurt fell quiet. His blue gaze stared at the floor of the car. Dave sets a hand onto Kurt's leg.

He comfortably rubbed the frontman's leg. Hoping to calm down the blond. This worked. Kurt felt himself start to relax.

"Now, did she leave these on you..?" Dave softly asks. Krist spoke up. "You can tell us, we're your friends. We care about you."

Kurt felt himself tear up. Krist turned the car, down the block of where they live.

Dave stared deeply at Kurt with worry and concern. Kurt hiccuped a sob. He hides his face into Dave's neck. His tears dampening the skin.

Dave holds Kurt close. "You can tell me.." he reassured. Kurt nodded his head. The drummer froze.

Krist glanced up at the mirror. Noticing the little nod that Kurt did. He frowned a little. "Why didn't you tell us before..?" He asked.

He halted the car. Turning his head to face Kurt and Dave. Kurt lifted his head. Using his sleeves to wipe away his tears.

"I didn't think it mattered." He replied.

Jealousy - KaveWhere stories live. Discover now