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The performance went much better for them. They needed this small break. Out of the house.

Kurt sang out his last song for the evening before tossing his guitar up and letting it smash on the floor.

The Audience cheered happily and clapped their hands. Screaming in joy. Kurt went backstage.

Dave clashed his symbol before getting up. He pushed his long dark hair back and picked up the shirt he disregarded awhile ago.

Krist waved and then went backstage with Kurt and Dave.

"That was great!" Dave exclaimed in joy. Kurt is sitting on a chair. He wiped his forehead. Getting the sweat away as he sighed.

"Yeah, I guess so. I don't think it really was." Kurt replied. Krist picked up a water bottle and opened it. He handed it to Kurt.

"What do you mean?" Dave asks. "That performance was great! It was fun."

Kurt shrugged and takes the bottle. "Yeah, it was fun. But it didn't really go how I wanted it too."

He takes a few sips as Krist laughed in the background. "Who cares about that, Kurt! Nothing is perfect. As long as you had fun then that's all that matters!"

Kurt felt himself start to smile. He giggled as he handed the bottle over to Krist. "Yeah, I guess you're right.."

Dave wrapped an arm around Kurt and gave the blond a gentle squeeze. Suddenly Kurt grew a smile fully on his face.

"Yeah! There's your smile!" Dave beamed as he raised his hand up. He ruffled Kurt's blond greasy head.

Kurt started to laugh. He laid his head onto Dave's shoulder. Something..warm grew into the frontman's heart.

Dave felt himself blush a little as he placed his hand back down. He rubbed Kurt's back.

Suddenly an interviewer walked over. Kurt lifted his head. He shifted how he sits as he adjusts his sleeves. Pulling them over his hands.

He kept his shy gaze looking down. Allowing Krist and Dave to answer the interviewer. Which is mostly screwing around and making jokes.

"Yeah, so if you're rich, you're a dick." Dave spoke up. Kurt snickered as a smile rises on his face.

The drummer wrapped an arm around Kurt as all three broke into a small fit of laughter.

"Kurt, how is your girlfriend Courtney Love doing?" The interviewer asks. The laughter they shared went down.

Kurt cleared his throat. The mic held up to his face. "Um. She's doing okay. Nothing else really matters." He replied.

Krist looked over.
Dave furrowed his eyebrows. He looked at Kurt. Kurt curled some his blond hair behind his ear. "I'm just tired." He suddenly says.

The blond frontman lays his head onto Dave's shoulder. Dave wrapped his arm around Kurt.

Krist contuined on with the jokes with the interviewer. Making the other two bandmates started to giggle and laugh.

The interviewer came to an ending close. She shakes the bandmates hands and then left.

Kurt forced himself to sit up. "Let's head home." He yawned. Dave realized, Kurt is actually tired.

"Yeah, let's." Dave replied.

Krist takes out the car keys. "I'll drive. You two can nap in the back if you would like." He gave the small idea. Winking at Dave.

Dave felt himself start to blush a little as he chuckled. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure. Sure." He says, trying to play it cool. But internally his heart is racing.

"Yeah, let's take a nap." Kurt mumbled as his head tucked into Dave's neck. "Carry me."

Dave blushed even more. His face turning more red. "Yeah! I can do that. Cmere."

He carefully picks up Kurt. Holding him with his muscular arms. Carrying the smaller man out of the building.

Krist followed along. All three got to the van. Krist unlocked it. He hops into the drivers while the other two crawl themselves into the back.

Kurt was already passed out. His head laying onto Dave's chest. Dave remained awake.

"Cute.." Dave mumbled as the car started.

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