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Dave knew he shouldn't have. He even told himself he shouldn't. But his heart beat him to it. His mind and heart is now focused only on the blond frontman now.

He strolled into the kitchen. Seeing Kurt pouring himself a glass of milk. Dave's lips curled up into a smile.

Kurt noticed a presence. He lifted his head. Noticing Dave. He got startled a little.

"Oh hi." Kurt spoke up. Dave felt his heart flutter. Hearing Kurt's voice after hours felt magical to him.

"Hi." Dave greeted in reply. A warm smile remained on his face. Kurt walked over. He handed Dave the gallon of milk.

"Put this away, will you?" Kurt asks. His eyes reflecting happiness now towards the drummer.

Dave noticed and nodded. "Sure, sure." He carried the closed gallon of milk to the fridge. He puts it inside. He shuts the door once he is done.

Kurt carried the little glass in his hands. His striped sleeves cuffing themselves over his hands.

He walked himself to the table and sits at it. "Dave?" He called out. Dave felt his heart skip a beat. "Yea–yeah?" He stuttered out.

"Can you get the Oreos? I'm hungry." Kurt mumbled. A small pout growing on his face.

Dave found this incredibly cute. He smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'll get them for you." He replied.

He went over. He opened the cabinet. Grabbing the Oreo package. He carried it in his hand over and sits at the table.

Kurt smiled as he watched Dave reopen the package of snacked cookies.

Kurt takes a few of the Oreos. He dipped one into his glass of milk and then takes a bite. Eating the chocolatey and cream snack in calmness.

"So, why is a cutie like yourself up this late?" Dave flirted. He placed his chin on his palm. Eyeing Kurt with love.

Kurt coughed a little. This caught him off guard. His cheeks turned rosy. He picks up the glass of milk and takes a few sips of it. His cough calmed down.

"Funny." Kurt giggled. Dave laughed softly along. But he really did mean it.

"I just woke up. I dunno why." Kurt responded after a few minutes. The Oreos that Kurt had are now gone.

He reached his hand into the Oreo package and takes a few more out. "What about you? Have you slept at all?" Kurt asks, munching on Oreos.

Dave shakes his head. "Actually..no. I haven't." He replied. Kurt dropped his Oreo into his milk. He stared at Dave with wide eyes. "Huh?-"

Dave laughed a little. "I haven't slept." He repeated. Kurt suddenly picks up the Oreo that dropped in his milk.

He shoved it into the drummers mouth. Muffled laughter escaped out of Dave as he chewed the Oreo and swallowed it.

"You need sleep." Kurt suddenly spoke up. Dave scoffed softly. "Really? But Kurt I'm fine." He replied.

Kurt shakes his head. He picks up the Oreo package. He carried it to the cabinet. He puts it inside.

Shutting the little cabinet door.

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