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Kurt returned the smile. Getting up, he extended his hand out to the drummer.

"Hey. Wan' go back home? Kinda hungry." Kurt asks, a small pout growing on his face.

Dave takes a hold of Kurt's thinner hand and nodded. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing."

Kurt yanked the drummer up from the ground. The sky is now a dark blue, getting closer to night.

Dave's shoes skidded in the dirt a little once he is pulled up. Kurt laughed. "C'mon!" He beamed.

Pulling Dave by the hand as the two walked out of the grass and onto the sidewalk.

The brunet's cheeks started to heat up. Feeling Kurt holding his hand. It made his stomach twist with butterflies. He is grateful.

Dave followed behind Kurt, basically being tugged by the shorter ish other man.

"Gahhh. You take forever." Kurt groaned as he lets go of Dave's hand. Dave is confused. He laughed and tilted his head. "I am right behind you, hon."

Kurt walked himself behind Dave. "Not anymore." He stepped back a few waze.

Dave is confused, but kept us back facing Kurt. "What are you-" he paused once he felt Kurt's weight hit against him.

Dave catches Kurt and now is giving the blond a piggyback ride. Holding the blond's legs.

"Jesus!" Dave gasped out as Kurt laughed, having his arms around Dave's neck.

"Carry me Davey!" Kurt exclaimed happily. His chin being lightly pressed onto Dave's head.

Dave glanced up and smiled lovingly at his crush. "Oh I'll carry you. I can do it the entire way back!"

Kurt scoffed, he jokingly replied. "Oh I highly doubt that!" Dave rolled his eyes and laughed. Going along with saying. "Oh I fucking will! Let's go!"

Dave started to run with Kurt being held by him. Kurt let's out a small scream as his grip tightened on the drummer.

"Don't drop me! I'm heavy!" Kurt exclaimed. In reality, he really wasn't. In fact, very light compared to Dave.

Dave shakes his head, running down the sidewalk with the blond frontman in his arms.

"Oh no you're not! I promise! I'll keep a firm hold on ya! Safe with me!" Dave reassured.

Kurt's blond hair is swaying in the wind as he is being held by the drummer.

They reached to the home. Dave sets Kurt down with ease as he went over. He opened the door for Kurt to go in first.

Kurt blushed as he is placed down. He fidgeted with his thumbs as Dave opened the door.

"Here Kurt, come in first sweetheart." Dave says, slipping the nickname out on purpose.

Kurt shyly looked down as he went into the house. Dave entered secondly.

Shutting the door behind himself.

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