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"Oh? Well tell me honey. I'll listen." Dave replied. Staring deeply into Kurt's eyes.

Kurt cleared his throat. He started to feel nervous. Especially what was about come out of his lips. It raised his anxiety levels. He looked down.

"Uh." Kurt started out with. Feeling his hands get clammy as he wiped them on his pants.

Dave noticed how nervous Kurt is becoming. He reached his hands out. He gently holds onto the blond's.

Kurt lifted his head up. Staring up at the taller drummer. Dave flashed him a warm smile.

"You can tell me. I won't judge you." Dave reassured to his crush. Kurt's shoulders untensed. They slouched a little now in calmness.

"Um." Kurt cleared his throat. "Remember how I said that I, uh.. damn it!" He cussed and lowered his head.

"I can't tell you.." Kurt whimpered out. He is too afraid. Dave gave a little smile. "Well that's alright, Kurt. How about I tell you something instead? It might help you feel better..." He trailed off.

This is Dave's chance.
Perfect moment.
The excellent opportunity to confess.

Kurt slowly lifted his head. He is too naive and oblivious. He just stared up at Dave now. Unsure what to say.

Dave bit the inside of his cheek. Feeling a little nervous himself but he calmed mentally downwards.

"Kurt Cobain," Dave began. Staring deeply into Kurt's astonishingly blue eyes. With love and passion.

Kurt reflected the same admiration towards Dave. The two just staring at each other with love and passions.

".. Remember when I lashed out that one day? How I said, .." Dave paused. His dark colored eyebrows knitted themselves together before he shakes his head.

"..Forget about that. Um.." Dave cleared his throat. Kurt started to giggle. "What is it Dave?"

Dave takes a deep breath. "It's hard to put it in actual words..are you comfortable if I show you?" He asks, much more confident now.

Kurt tilted his head naively to the side. He gave a little smile as he replied.

"Yeah, you can show me." He replied, his voice soft, rasped, and shy.

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