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Dave carefully guided Kurt to lay down. Kurt shakily breathes as he whimpered.

"It fucking hurts!" Kurt shouted as he held his tears in.

"Hey! Hey!" Dave replied. "I'll help you, okay?. Would you like a blanket? I can go run up and get one." He asks.

Kurt nodded his head weakly. He rolled on his side. Tucking up his knees. "Oh please, please.." he whimpered. He hated feeling vulnerability, but he needs Dave.

Dave used his hand and moved some of Kurt's blond hair out of his face. "Alright honey, I'll be right back. I'll be quick."

He pecked Kurt's cheek without even thinking before he dashed up the stairs.

Kurt focused on his breathing pattern. Trying to calm himself down as he rubbed his stomach with one hand. He didn't mind the little kiss. Quite he enjoyed it.

His forehead beaded with sweat as he panted softly. Dave is rather quick, like he said - and came back with a fleece gray blanket.

He draped it over Kurt. The warmth felt nice once Kurt has it over him. "Mm.." Kurt hummed softly but whimpered once he felt sudden pain.

"I'll get you some aspirin and some milk. How does that sound?" Dave asks.

Kurt nods his head. "That'll be nice..but why are you taking care of me?"

Dave smiled. He softly replied. "Because I care about you."
Kurt felt himself start to blush as he smiled sheepishly. His heart skipped a beat.

Dave used the back of his hand to check Kurt's temp. Kurt is a little warm but not feverish.

Sighing in relief, the drummer went to the kitchen. "I'll be quick!" He called out.

Kurt remained laying on the couch. Feeling cozy and warm from the blanket and the layers he has on.

He loves feeling warm rather than cold. His lips curled upwards into a smile once he sees Dave enter back into the room.

Dave has two aspirn pills in his hand and in the other the glass of milk. "Sit up for me Kurt." He commanded softly.

Kurt weakly forced himself up. He gasped in pain as he opened his palm. He held his hand out. "Gimmie." He mumbled.

Dave smiled as he sets the two pain killers into Kurt's palm. Kurt popped them into his mouth and grabbed the glass of milk.

He calmly and slowly sips the beverage. Once he finished, he handed Dave the glass back.

"Thank you." Kurt exhaled which resulted into Dave starting to smile. "Don't mention it. I love taking care of you." He admitted.

Both of the bandmates blushed. They laughed softly together for a moment before Dave cleared his throat.

"I'll be right back. I'm gon' put your dish in the sink. Oh! By the way, Krist is coming back tomorrow. Early in the morn. Unsure whenever-the-fuck that'll be but yeah-" Dave rambled.

Kurt started to laugh as he kept one arm around his stomach. But stilled his laughter. He felt pain again.

He sighed weakly and Dave noticed. A small frown started to grow. "I'll continue to help you. Just sit tight. Okay?"

Kurt nodded his head timidly in reply. Rather than speaking. He remained quiet.

Dave went to the kitchen. He tossed the small glass into the sink. Shockingly it didn't break. He entered back into the main room.

"Hi, I'm here. How about I start that film? We can lay..together on that couch and I can massage your stomach?"

Dave asks. It came out flooding like a river. He felt rather more comfortable to be expressive of his love for his crush.

Kurt felt himself start to blush. He lifted his cerulean blue eyes up to look into Dave's brown ones.

Shyly, Kurt mumbled. "You really would do that..?" His cheeks turning more rosy red.

Dave chuckled softly. "if you're comfortable for me doing this. Then, I can do that. I'd rather do what helps you feel comfortable, Kurt."

Kurt felt those words touch his heart. His heart fluttered. His stomach twisted with pain but butterflies flowed.

He winced in pain as he nodded his head. "Yeah, that's alright with me." Kurt eventually responded after a little.

Dave smiled. "Great! Would you like the lights off, too?" He asked. Kurt nodded.

With ease, the drummer shuts off rhe lights. He pressed the little play button on the VCR.

"Here, I'll lay behind you on the couch. Since I'm taller. You can lay in front of me. Alrighty?" Dave briefly explains.

Kurt nodded. "Mhm." He hummed in reply. Then, they both got into the position that is described.

The two men are laying on the couch. The film quietly playing in the background.

Dave is laying behind Kurt. Kurt is in front. Trying to distract himself by watching the film. His heart pounded in his ribcage.

"Please be gentle." Kurt whimpered. Making Dave smile.

"Oh I will, don't worry. Your stomach pain will go away. I promise " Dave whispered into Kurt's ear.

Making the frontman smile genuinely.

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