Chapter four

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5 months later...

Keith groaned, throughout the many times he's seen the Cuban it's always been irritating like he's hiding something and it's really starting to tick him off.

He's notice the more he's spent with the group of off balls that Lance is the one who sticks out the most, not the Altean's and not the others, just the Lance. So, he grabbed Lance by the arm and dragged him off away from Shiro leaving the man confused and slightly worried for Lance because of Keith's attitude however he decided he'll ask later when the time came.

Lance was tense as Keith dragged him away from the others, he had no idea why Keith suddenly acted like this and honestly his heart was racing and his mind turning, he really hoped this wasn't what he thinks it was because he wasn't telling him anything. Keith opened one of the doors and pulled Lance I'm before shutting it and pinning against the closed door and now Lance was panicking. "K-keith, let go" Lance tried to push Keith off but sadly Keith was stronger "not until you tell me what's wrong with you. Out of everyone on this ship you are the only one who sticks out, I'm not blind, Lance, there is clearly something wrong and don't you go beating around the bush either" Keith looked straight into the blue eyes pinned to the door.

Lance's body tensed more, crap.

"T-there is nothing wrong, now let go" Lance struggled until Keith's knee was pinned right between Lance's legs making the boys eyes widen. "Lance" Lance flinched visibly and Keith took notice "Tell me. Unlike Hunk I'm not one for beating around the bush" Lance bit his lip "Nothing is wrong. There is nothing to tell" Lance said trying so hard not to shake out of fear right now even if Keith was his crush this brought bad Memories. "Lance McClain, I'm not stupid, I'm not blind, I'm not deaf. I know the difference between fine and not fine, I know the difference between lying and truth. You aren't telling the truth and your not fine if that flinch you did wasn't a dead give away" at that Lance flinched again before turning his head.

"Lance, what is wrong? I won't leave you alone unless you tell me" Keith said "Why do you care? It's not like it has anything to do with you...." Lance heard Keith sigh "It doesn't have to do anything with me, I wouldn't bother if I wasn't worried" Lance froze, Keith cared? Either way he can't say anything, he knows the consequences, he knows what will happen if he does but.... He isn't here, he wouldn't know.. right? He gulped, this could be his chance.

He could tell Keith the truth, he could be free from his restraints of his owner but negative outcomes began to fill his head and his mind began to turn again. "Lance, tell me, now. What is wrong" Keith wanted the truth, he wanted this need to know to go away and only Lance could make that happen. "I-i..." Lance gulped "I-i... I can't-" Lance said "You can, now tell me" Keith ushered "N-no i-i can't, I can't- don't make me--" Lance begged and Keith saw fear in Lance's eyes now that had taken him aback. He knew something was definitely wrong and the fear he saw in the blue eyes told him something was keeping Lance from telling anyone about the issue.

"Lance look at me" Keith grasped Lance's chin and lifted it up so that their eyes would meet Lance was now shaking, he couldn't tell Keith he was afraid and terrified right now. "Listen, I won't tell anyone I promise but you need to tell me what's wrong" Lance shook his head frantically "Lance" shaking his head again Lance looked down. He couldn't, he was too scared of the consequences. He was afraid, every fiber in his body was terrified, he wanted so badly to tell Keith but he was scared. Keith wasn't going to get his answers like this so he hugged Lance catching the boy by surprise from the hug "Look, I know whatever your scared about whatever is making you afraid of telling me, I can help with whatever it is but you need to tell me because I can't help if I don't know what's wrong" Keith said holding the shaking boy to him.

Lance's throat felt dry and he tightly hugged Keith back with unspilled tears and shaky body "i-i-" he wanted to tell Keith, he needed to. He wanted to break the invisible chains. "I-i want to s-so bad b-but I c-can't" he cried tears now falling Keith shushed him as they dropped to the floor in the hug "Lance I can't help if you don't let me, let me in" Lance cried more, shoulders shaking and tears soaking Keith's jacket that he clutched like his life depended on it.

Keith didn't get his answers because Lance cried himself to sleep in his arms. He sighed "Looks like I'm not getting answers today" He picked Lance up and immediately the boy felt like he didn't weighed a pound "what in the hell?" He muttered "yup, something is definitely wrong with you...." Keith looked at Lance in his arms and frowned and became very worried.

He saw evident fear and not only that the boy doesn't even feel like he weighs anything, that worried him and whatever was wrong made Lance terrified to tell anyone. He sighed, he'll take Lance back to his room and try again tomorrow he was so close to finding out what was wrong but he cried himself to sleep which is something Keith didn't find as normal for anyone.


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