Chapter Fifty One

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Keith's tail thrashed around as he gripped the controls, Mela was with Coran while he and the other paladins went to destroy the gate on Daibazzal out of stress he managed to start turning Galra by the day Krolia didn't expect that to happen but it did. "We're approaching the gate now" They were going to destroy the gate and prevent Lotor from getting inside, they don't know how or when but his new ships were hard to destroy by the lions alone much less Voltron together. Now a month and still no leads on Lance. He needed his mate. "So who's destroying the gate?" Keith asked "I think we should all do that" Hunk said "Alright, on me. Form Voltron" they formed Voltron "Okay, now what?" Pidge wondered through the comms "Destroy the gate" Keith looked at the gate "Forming sword now" Pidge used her Bayard and she and Red formed the sword, it was a wonder how they can form Voltron despite being down a paladin "Let's go" 

Lance gulped as they neared where the gate was, he and the others found this months prior before he was taken "The quintessence gate" he muttered "You know about this gate?" Acxa asked low enough for only Lance to hear "Voltron and I came across it months ago before I was taken by Lotor" she frowned, why exactly did Lotor want this gate again? "Wait, look" he pointed and she followed where he was pointing and saw that the gate was destroyed. "That gate was intact last time" Lance whispered to himself as Acxa listened to what Lotor was saying, Voltron nearby looking at them, Lance wanted to eject himself out of the ship and go back to his family, they were just across from him. 

"I'll get rid of you and the rest of the Galra including that damn disobedient Omega!" the occupants in Lotor's ships froze, Acxa took this time now to defect and get Lance home. "It's time we leave Lotor for good" Zethrid and Acxa turned the ships and Lance remained to grip her seat "Even my generals betray me" he growled, he ejected them all. Lance yelled when the seat shot up and they were all ejected losing the seat Acxa used the gravity to get to Lance and he latched onto her, he was panting heavily and checked his stomach hearing a heartbeat sighing in relief his attention went to Acxa "Are you alright?" he asked worriedly "I'm fine, you?" he nodded before his eyes widen in horror confusing Acxa as she turned and seen the ship made by the comet they found. "Come on" she grabbed his hand and used her jetpack on her suit to get them to an asteroid and they watched "No, no I need to help them" Lance tried to rush out to Voltron but Acxa held him back from the fight "No, you wouldn't make it to them. You would just be caught in the crossfire and end up killed" she curtly stated but he wanted to help them even if everything in him yelled out bad idea bad idea. "Please Acxa, my family is Voltron, I have to help" she shook her head "You would be dead in the crossfire before you reached them" he wanted to break down in cry he knew she was right, he knew he wouldn't make it but he missed them so much. 

Many rifts formed in the sky and the fight progressed, in a way Voltron was in trouble before they vanished into the rifts. "W-where'd they go" he looked around frantically "I don't know" an explosion made them cover their eyes from the blast, Lance gasped "No!" Acxa took Lance into her arms as he cried, Lotor and Voltron were gone, they had no way of telling if anyone died. For days after the explosion they were stranded on the asteroid and Lance never left Acxa's side staying clear and far away from Zethrid and Ezor. "Ooh, a ship!" Ezor squealed in excitement seeing the battle cruiser "Let's take it over!" Zethrid boomed with laughter, Lance looked uneasy "If anything happens just stay by me" he nodded and they followed after Zethrid and Ezor to the cruiser and they took it over, Acxa managed to get Lance some better clothing then prisoner clothing and took him to one of the quarters to get changed. It was a hoodie with tight pants, a scar, fingerless gloves and heavy duty boots it even had a hood that he can hide his head or face "So much better thank you" she felt herself chuckle, why an innocent person like Lance was doing in a war was beyond her. 

"Maybe there is some food here" she let him check the crates for rations while Acxa wandered a bit and overheard Ezor and Zethrid's voices behind the door "I think we should become Warlords, think of how fun it will be!" Ezor giggled "I like the sound of that, should Acxa join us?" Ezor shrugged "I'm not sure we can ask her even the blue paladin" Zethrid huffed "I could snap him in half" she said "Zeze, no" Acxa's stare hardened, she left the door and went to find Lance who was still looking in the crates "We need to leave" she said making him look up "Huh? is something wrong" he asked as she grabbed his hand and they began to run towards were the fighter ships were and she helped him get in before she got in herself "Acxa, what's going on?" he asked putting on the seatbelt as Acxa started up the fighter "Ezor and Zethrid want to become Warlords and want me to join, Zethrid suggested she snap you in half" he shrunk in his seat in a gulp "However, I'm not joining" she pulled the controls to her and the fighter flew up from the ground "But, they're your friends" she looked at her hands and sighed "It's time I made my own choice, you are still under my protection. We don't know if Voltron or Lotor are still alive so for now, we'll do what we can to survive" she said as he looked down, his heart hurt in his chest and he gripped his pants. "Okay" he said quietly "Let's go" they left the cruiser and vanished out of sight. 



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