Chapter Six

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The paladins were assigned to a mission to stop a battle ship and free prisoners, that was Keith and Lance's job for this mission.

While the others fought off the fleet for this ship, the red and blue paladins were tasked with freeing captures. Everything was going fine until they came across the commander of the ship, height at about 7 foot 6 maybe, eyes pierced yellow and sharp ears at their head not only that, their skin was a dark purple maybe even black if you looked differently.

Lance's and Keith readied their Bayards preparing to fight but something about this commander made Lance's stomach turn and chains to almost tighten up. The commander smirked when their eyes set on Lance and Keith noticed "Hey! Eyes off!" He growled in annoyance inching forward Infront of Lance to almost hide him from the commanders view "so this is where you were, mistake" Lance froze in his spot, eyes shrunk back so that it made him look like he had no eyes but eye whites instead, even his body began to shake with so much tremor even his gun was shaking. Keith didn't like how that sounded and the commander directed that at Lance who was behind him, he glanced back behind him where his eyes widen.

Lance's entire being spoke one word that was all to clear. Help.

He snapped his head towards the commander "h-h-how...." Lance's voice was barely a whisper yet Keith caught it, the commander laughed looking like he heard it too. "You can never run from me, boy" The commander lashed at them yet Lance was frozen in fear, Keith blocked the attack with his sword before yelling put into his headset comms "guys we need back up, now!" Voices came in through his ears "what's wrong? Keith answer me!" Keith kicked the commander away before dragging the frozen Lance behind him quickly "Lance is frozen and not responding, we're being chased and-" he grunted as he pulled Lance infront of him and sharp slash at the commander before taking off again. "Attacked. I don't know what it is but this commander seems to know Lance" he responded and glanced back at Lance who still looked unresponsive.

"But he couldn't have met the Galra before, he was on Earth with me" Hunk's voice came in "look I don't know what's going on, we just need either back up or a pick up. Now. I don't know how much longer I can out run this guy while Lance is out of commission" His voice was worried yet stern "I'm on my way, heading towards your location now. Meet me in the hangers if you can but have your helmets on Incase I need to bust through" Pidge thrusted her controls forward to where Keith and Lance were. "Got it just be quick!" He felt Lance's hand tightening around his own and glanced back, Lance was still unresponsive but his tightened hand told Keith that he was still with him.

"Lancey Lance, you better come here or you can remember the consequences for disobedience" A whimper escaped Lance and that snapped something inside Keith, he pulled Lance to his chest and used his jef pack fk quicken their way to the hangers, he ran inside as Pidge broke through "get in now!" Pidge yelled through the comms and Keith threw both himself and Lance inside Green's mouth that snapped shut quickly before leaving. Keith panted and Lance curled into a ball where he was "Hey, I've got you" Keith picked up Lance into his arms but Lance was not moving or even responding to anything. Pidge glanced back "what happened?" She looked at Lance.

"We got found by the commander of the ship, we were looking for more prisoners when we got found. The commander seemed to know Lance and something he said before we even got to the hanger really set me on edge" he looked at Lance "what did he say?" She asked firing shots at the remaining fighters "something about remembering consequences for disobedience" Pidge gave him a confused worried look "something isn't right. Lance hasn't been captured by the Galra so how in the Quiznack does this guy know Lance to get him into an unresponsive phase" she was as confused as Keith right now, the fleet was soon gone and everyone returned to the castle.

The past caught up to him.


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