Chapter Forty Two

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Zarkon listed to Haggar looking out into space through the window, "He lives? How" he demanded "It seems he was taken as a newborn to a different planet and later retained his title, I know not of the culprit but I've found that they are dead" she said, her yellow eyes glowed under her hood and Zarkon began to think, the Omegan Altean prince is alive and currently with an Heir. Perhaps he could birth an Heir for the Galra one that they can manipulate the child and maybe even the child's mother. He gruffed as he turned towards Haggar "Summon Prince Lotor and tell him I want him here immediately" She nodded and took her leave as Zarkon went and took a seat on his throne. 

Haggar made the message and waited "High priestess, Prince Lotor is on the communication feed awaiting for you" She went to the bridge where Lotor was on the feed "What is it, Witch?" he frowned upon her arrival "Emperor Zarkon requests your presence immediately" he rolled his eyes "Whatever, I'll arrive shortly" the feed cut "That prince needs to know his place" she heard a Galran on the lower deck growl under his breath "Mind your mouth or you will know your place" he shut up quick at her threat and she walked out, many of the Galrans here at high command were ones that she grew irritated of, they were annoyance's she didn't have the power to get rid of personally but she still had a lot more freedom to do whatever she wanted just not kill off whoever irritated her. 3 an half Vargas later Lotor showed up with Narti, "He is in the throne room" he didn't respond as he left to meet his father leaving Narti with Haggar where they seemingly had an unusual non verbal conversation. 

"You asked to see me" He was kneeling in front of his father, this wasn't the first time he's had to kneel before the man it came as both instinct and an order instilled in him as a child. "You are to give an Heir to the empire by an Omega, as of now he is with Voltron" Lotor looked up at him "Why? I see no point in getting him when he's surrounded by the Paladins" he said "You will find a way to make him give birth to an Heir, I don't care what you do. This is an order" Zarkon's tone made it clear that there was no room for arguments so Lotor grumbled quietly under his breath and left the room, however the order got his mind thinking. He's had his eyes set on Lance for a while even when he temporarily worked with Voltron under his manipulated lies, he couldn't hide his Omegan status from him, the scent he released gave that off the first time he met the male and ever since then he's been his initial target before Allura was one who could settle for but seeing as his secrets out it seems he has somethings to come up to mind in order to retrieve the Omega. "Hm," he sighed seems he needed to visit Haggar for a plan to succeed and that's what he did, neither of them were on friendly terms but in the end they tolerated each other to an extent, he pretty much demanded that she update him whenever there was a chance to snag Lance receiving a few snaps but agreement and they separated. 

Settling back in the ship he arrived in he and Narti left back to his main ship, Kova sat on Narti's shoulder licking his paws and his head. 

This should be interesting.


Lance hummed a tune in his head while he was washing the dishes, instead of Battle work he decided on the less stressful chores as a way to surpass time the baby seemed to like the tune because it was doing soft kicks. He chuckled sure they had a dishwasher but he had to find something to do since he was a little bored, he missed helping people in the war but begrudgingly accepted being castle bound for safety. He still whines about it.  

Hunk was making some food with some ingredients he got from a planet and was stocking up on them as well "That smells good, what are you making?" Lance turned and peered over his shoulder looking at the sizzling food in the pan "You'll see as soon as it's done" Lance whined "Fine" the baby kicked and Lance jolted when it felt like he stomach just got stabbed through, he groaned in pain as Hunk turned around in worry "I-i'm fine, just a kick!" Hunk didn't look to believe him "Lance, you may have to go in the pod again" he shook his head, he hates when he comes out of there freezing "Lance" again he shook his head as Hunk sighed "Fine. But if anymore pain comes I will take you to a pod and put you in there and have Keith's jacket on standby for when you come out" Lance grumbled and Hunk helped him sit on the floor against the cabinet "I don't like being babied I'm fine" he pouted "I don't care you will be babied for a little while longer" Lance's hand drifted on his stomach "You are making me get babied and your lucky I love you" Hunk chuckled and went back to cooking.

Gotta love the family on the Castle of Lions.



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