Chapter Fifteen (Smut)

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When Lance woke up the next morning with Keith he felt fine. He didn't feel like he was overheating, he wasn't panting, he felt fine. But, it wasn't until through breakfast when he started to feel the effects of his heat, his body began to heat up and his breaths became uneven at most. "Lance you alright?" Hunk asked "y-yeah, I'm just gonna go to my room for a little bit. Bye" he quickly stood and left the dinning room to his room but halfway there he was holding the wall panting and hot. Everything felt hot and he realized he didn't take his heat meds at all this week.

"Lance?" Shit. It was Keith's voice. He soon felt arms around him "Lance, what's wrong?" Was Keith panting? He turned his eyes to look at Keith and noticed Keith looked hot "n-no.." he let out a whimper when the heat was becoming to much for him to bear "is it your heat?" Keith asked, swallowing down the thick gulp when Lance's heat scent was beginning to drive his mind insane. It was so sweet and his Alpha instincts were craving the Omega Infront of him but he held it back because he told himself he would, and will never, take advantage of Lance.

Lance was panting more, he wanted Keith's help. He wanted the Alphas help.

Lance latched onto Keith's jacket "H-h-help m-me" Keith pulled Lance to his chest and scooped him up into his arms heading to their shared room.

Keith and Lance decided to share a room after confessing.

Once Keith and Lance entered Keith set Lance on the bed and locked to the doors before going back to the bed with Lance. "Are you sure?" Keith asked panting and hovering over Lance, Lance nodded and Keith dived into kiss him which Lance kissed back.

The pair were panting the more the kiss became sloppy and Lance was begging to be taken over the Alpha above him, Keith began to strip them both of their barrier. Clothes.

Keith pulled Lance's pants down and let them drop to the metal floor on the side of the bed, he used his hand to trail down the soft skin of the Omega which looked very inviting to Keith However he stopped his movements looking into Lance's begging eyes "tell me what you want me to do" he said "Keith" Lance whimpered when heat surged through his body "no, you tell me what you want me to do. I won't go any further without you telling me what you want" Keith said to Lance who he could see was in pain from this but then again this was Lance's first time not being raped so he was given the choice to tell Keith what he wanted.

"Keith" Lance whimpered again clawing at the sheets in discomforting heat, Lance wanted Keith, he wanted this heating pain to go away "tell me Lance, what is it you want me to do" Keith told the whimpering boy in the bed below him, it was Lance's words he wanted to hear it was Lance's decision he wanted the boy to make. "Keith please..." Lance begged "I won't do anything else unless you tell me what you want. I will never take advantage of you, I want you to make your own decision of what you want" Keith said to Lance making his begging eyes widen a bit, Lance gulped down saliva while bitting his lip to bite back another whimper from the pain.

Lance looked into Keith's expecting eyes, he was honestly about to say fuck it and just let Keith take him.

Another surge of heat and Lance's decision was made.

"Keith... Just take me please, I don't care what you do just please..!" Lance whimpered and Keith smiled "good kitty, I'll make sure your treasured in every way possible" Keith dived back into Lance's soft lips causing a few escaping low mewls from Lance, as Keith told Lance, he treasured every spot he touched, every caress he made, every moan that came from Lance's lips.

Keith flipped Lance onto his stomach and wrapped his hand around the white tail causing a squeak from Lance "does someone have a sensitive tail?" Keith teased as he stroked the furry tail in a small pace, Lance's body spasmed with pleasure his legs were closing together with each surge of pleasure that shot through him. "Does kitty want me to stroke faster?" Keith whispered with his hot breath against Lance's ear making Lance shudder, Keith sped up his pace on Lance's tail causing shuddering shaky breaths from Lance who buried his mouth into the blankets to hide the moans that were wanting to escape "ah-ah, nope I want to hear you" Keith shifted his arm under Lance and brought him up to his chest with two fingers in Lance's mouth holding his parted mouth open so that Lance couldn't hide his moans.

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