Chapter Twenty Two (Angst warning)

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He found them again.

Lance was pinned into a corner with no escape.

Voices of panicked friends were falling on deaf ears.

A enraged Alpha was in need of his Omega who was in danger.

Eyes wide of terror and fear were from deep blue eyes terrified of the man before him. It was all too fast to catch in time. The blow didn't register until it was too late. The five month unborn life was now gone.

He dropped Lance to the ground, the boy on his knees shaking with no response. Shaky hands touched his stomach wanting to hear the soft heartbeat that was silent. Tears pricked his blue eyes as the pain was being registered into his head, tears fell and fell before his cries of pain and broken heart wail broke out from his throat. He smirked in triumph, he would never let Lance be happy as long as he lived.

"No" Veronica whispered with her voice low as tears brimmed in her eyes, she knew this cry well. The baby was gone. Keith growled and rammed his body against the guard holding him pinned and ran at Yjok who laughed with the trill, Keith's Bayard formed his sword Yjok blocked Keith's sword before kicking the younger Alpha away and making a break for it with his remaining guards. Veronica slammed her leg against the sentries back and it toppled forward as she raced to her brother who wasn't responding to anything, all her words were falling on deaf ears. Lance cried and cried. He swore he would protect this baby this time and he failed, he failed to protect Keith's child, he failed as a mother.

Keith raced to Lance as he sword clanked to the ground "Lance" Keith's voice broke his mate wasn't responding only muttering repeatedly that he failed. Keith pulled Lance to his chest as the boy cried, Lance's heartbroken cries are something he never wanted hear. "Let's get back to the castle" Shiro called with a pained look on his face "Yeah..." Hunk added, Keith scooped the crying Lance into his arms while Pidge picked up Keith's Bayard off the floor, each were in silence as they went back to the castle. "I'll head to the blue lions hanger and put blue there" Pidge called "Alright, Keith will take Lance to their room and we'll figure out what to do from there" Veronica was by Shiro's chair.

Pidge set blue in her hanger before taking green back to her own, Keith stepped out of red with Lance and walked to their shared room setting Lance on the bed. "I'll be back, stay here" Keith kissed Lance's forehead and looked back at the boy before heading to the bridge, Veronica's hands were over her mouth with tears down her face Allura was comforting her. "He's in our room..." Keith called however he wasn't fully there "I never wanted to see him like this again. He deserves to be happy yet that bastard just keeps taking it away" Veronica gritted her teeth through tears "I haven't heard those kinds of cries since I was younger, Coran do you remember?" Allura asked remembering something.

Coran nodded. "I do, your mother was heartbroken when the prince was missing" Pidge raised an eyebrow "Prince? Huh?" Keith wasn't really paying attention he just lost his unborn child and his mate wasn't responding, Lance's second child was lost to the same person. A monster. "My baby brother. My mother had given birth to him but when she went to rest after giving birth, he was missing. My father and I were distraught with the news but my mother was more" Shiro sighed "Veronica, do you know what happened?" He asked as Veronica wiped her eyes but tears just kept forming back "A mother lost their child. For Lance, it's his second child. This happened before and it was all over again, a hard punch to his stomach and the baby is gone all to the same man who just keeps killing unborn life" Veronica said.

Hunk held back tears from falling but that wasn't really working well.

"I'm going to go check on Lance, he needs his mate" Keith said and walked out as the others watch "Only Keith will be able to help him right now" Allura said.

Keith took breaths as he walked to his and Lance's room. Going to the door as it opened Lance was hunched over about to plunge a knife into his chest, eyes widening Keith quickly ran over and snatched the knife tossing it away and pulling Lance close "What are you doing! Don't do that!" Keith yelled with fear in his voice "i-i--" Lance hiccuped with tears falling again, he failed. It's the only thing that kept repeating in his mind Keith shushed him gently rubbing his back and whispering things into his ear trying to distract him. This worked for 30 minutes until Lance ultimately cried himself to sleep in his mates arms. Keith had tears in his eyes remembering Veronica's words a few months ago when he met her.

Losing a child can do many things to the mother and that can lead to bad results

He sighed and picked Lance up and stripped him of his uniform setting it to the side and putting his jacket on Lance so that Lance could smell his scent. He glanced over to the knife Lance was about to stab himself with walked over and picked it up, he didn't know Lance had a knife and he hasn't seen any Self-Harm marks so he knew Lance wasn't suicidal, it was different then his own which he knows that his father gave it too him before he died. A blue gem in the middle and smooth pale silver surface. "I need to hide this for now and maybe even mine" he said in his head looking at his mate who was under the covers in his red jacket.

He walked out of the room heading back to the bridge with the knife and the doors opened "I need one of you to hide this" he called making everyone look at him "A knife? Why?" Hunk asked, Keith gulped with a shaky breath "Lance almost stabbed himself with it when I walked in the room" Allura gasped "He what?" Veronica repeated Allura's own question "Veronica you said it yourself months ago before this happened, losing a child can do many things to the mother and those things can lead to bad results" Keith reminded what she told him "But I didn't think that meant he tried to kill himself, last time this happened he cried repeatedly because he was heartbroken" She wailed back.

"Point is, this needs to be hidden. I didn't even know he had a knife until now" Veronica looked at the knife in his hand "That's Lance's, I know it. My mother took it after I found it wrapped in his blanket when he was a baby" She walked over and grabbed it "Huh?" Pidge went over and looked at it with Allura "Why would a baby have a knife wrapped up in a blanket with them?" Allura wondered "I don't know, I was usually in charge of watching him so one day I happened to find it and after that I haven't seen it since. She must have given it to him when he left for the Garrison I guess" Keith pulled out his wrapped knife "Hide this as well" Shiro looked at it "Why do you have one?" He asked "I've had it since I was kid, I just never showed anybody but after what I just seen from Lance this needs to be hidden as well no matter how long this one has been with me" Allura grabbed it.

"I can hide them, I know a good place for now and I'll be able to remember it" Coran spoke "Then I trust you with hiding them" Allura put the two knives into his gloved hands, however Lance's knife looked vaguely familiar she just couldn't remember from where she's seen it. "Keith, stay with Lance. He'll need his mate more than his friends at the moment, you also lost a child. It's better the parents of that child stay together for the time being" Keith nodded and walked back out of the room back to his mate.

"We need to get rid of this guy quickly, no one in this team is safe until then. Zarkon may be our top priority of getting rid of to save the universe but right now, Yjok is the one we need to get rid of immediately" Allura stated "we're with you princess, Veronica, have any luck in getting into contact with Matt?" Shiro turned to Veronica "Not yet, Pidge and I are still working on that with Hunk and Coran's help" the three mentioned ones nodded. "I'll hide these once we finish up the meeting, princess the best place I recommend would be in your room" Allura looked unsure "Why my room?" She wondered "Because, none of the paladins really go in there because it's your room and I feel that is the best place" Coran recommended Allura sighed "All right" Coran smiled.

"For now we'll leave Keith and Lance to cope with their loss, the rest of us will try and get in touch with Matt, get rid of Yjok and fill in for the red and blue paladins until they are able to return to the battlefield. Everyone alright with this?" They nodded "meeting over"


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