Chapter Forty Three

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A/N: So it seems we might be passing 50 chapters at this rate but hey, my longest book may be this one I don't know. Who knows to be honest but enjoy!


Lance breathed heavily holding his stomach, was it time? He was still a few weeks away from the timed due date. He doesn't want to worry anyone on a false alarm but it hurt so much! He whimpered at the constant pain nearly everywhere in his lower half, fuck this, he stumbled out of bed and grasped the wall whimpering in a yelp out loud when the pain made his body shake. 

He needed to find someone, anyone! 

Walking out of the room holding the wall his body was trembling with one hand on the wall and the other on his stomach he tried to sooth the pain and the baby but it wasn't working. He groaned and collapsed to his knees pained sobs left his mouth and he clutched his stomach, he hates pain and this felt unbearable! "C-come on, Lance, get up! You can do it!" he released an arm from his stomach and struggled to stand but managed and began to walk again while staggering a little along the way, at this point he can't just postpone waiting but he needed to find someone because at this rate if he's really about to give birth he doesn't know what will happen. He tried to think despite the pain trying to figure out where to go, Coran was in the castle somewhere and everyone was on a planet discussing somethings that he couldn't remember or was in too much pain to remember. 

Man he wish Keith stayed with him and maybe even Krolia. She was the grandmother of his kid but now he really wished they were here because this hurts like hell!

He looked around and turned down a hall and remembered the bridge was this way, perfect. He whimpered again and once again breathed heavily he needed to hurry before something happens and he doesn't get the chance. Continuing to stumble and walk in pain he reached the bridge and hurried as quick as his body would allow to Coran's console before he collapsed again in pain and a shout, his arm shakily reached for the button and his hand slammed down on it sending a feed link to them "Huh? Everything alright at the castle?" Pidge. Lance lifted himself in a struggle on the console "Lance! What's wrong? Why do you look so much in pain?" she threw question after question full of worry, he bit back his whimper "P-pidge, G-get Krolia... P-please. Agh!" he yelled and his arms wrapped around his stomach as his shoulders shook in pain, "Hold on, Krolia!" Pidge raced out of Green to find Krolia "Krolia!" she yelled at the Galran who turned to her to see her extremely worried face "What happened?" She demanded "It's Lance, he's in the bridge not looking very good" she explained "We'll let the others know later come on" Pidge and Krolia raced to Green and took off to the castle. "What's going on? Why'd Pidge suddenly leave?" Hunk saw Green looking at where the lion was vanishing towards the castle "I hope nothing bad is happening" Allura looked worried about that while Keith's hand grazed the blue diamond on his neck, something didn't feel right.

Landing in the castle Krolia and Pidge raced to the bridge to find Lance "Where is Coran? That old geezer needed to be with him" Pidge rambled away while Krolia was just focused on getting to Lance, turning the halls and reaching the bridge they saw Lance at Coran's console and the old man trying to figure out what's wrong "He may be in labor I don't know" it dawned on Krolia and she raced forward and scooped him into her arms noticing his water broke "Pidge, Coran, contact the others, I'm going to help Lance give birth since his water broke" she ran out of the room as the pair did what she said, Lance was in so much pain it hurt to even get his brain functioning.  

Krolia brought him to his and Keith's room and set him on the bed "I'll be right back" she hurried to the bathroom and got the necessary items then went back to Lance "H-hurts" he whimpered in pain, second birth she knows that wasn't done in some kind of hospital, first Keith and now her grandchild. "I know, I'm going to have to remove your pants for this alright" he shut his eyes in pain and nodded just wanting the pain to leave, she removed his pants and covered his legs with a blanket "Now when I tell you to, push and take deep breaths. It'll be over soon I promise" listening to her he did as told and when she said so he pushed, it hurt like he was being torn apart. He yelled out in pain as he pushed but kept awake and taking breaths like she told him to. 

Keith and the others raced back to the castle and met up in the bridge "What do you mean he went into Labor?" Keith was trying to find him "I'm saying he went into labor according to Krolia, they may be in Keith and Lance's room I don't know we just did what she told us to do" Pidge snapped at Shiro surprising Hunk "Look enough fighting! We just have to wait until they're done" Allura got in-between them to split them up before some kind of fight breaks out and Keith ran out of the room to Lance, no wonder his mark was pulsing, his mate was in labor! Damn it he should have stayed in the castle!

Krolia wrapped the child in a blanket while Lance was panting and looking a little dazed "It's a girl" finishing wrapping the little one in the blanket she layed her down and ringed out a rag and layed it across his head "That hurt like hell" she chuckled "It does but in the end it's worth it" she said and then gave Lance's child to him he looked like he was about to cry out of joy, she smiled he finally got to meet his kid. Keith stumbled into the room panting "Your late, now let him rest after he spends some time with her" Krolia wiped her hands and began to clean up "Her?" he looked and saw Lance holding a wrapped up baby to his chest with a smile "Meet your daughter Keith" he walked over taking a seat next to his mate as Lance looked at him crying tears of joy "I'm letting you name her for your hard work" he placed a kiss on his forehead and Krolia let the two parents be together and she left the room to the bridge. "How about... Mela?" (Mel-a) his finger gently graced her cheek as she layed her head peacefully on his chest "Mela?" he nodded "I wanted to name her similar to my mother, Melenor, so I thought Mela was close to her name" Keith smiled and shifted Lance to lay on him "It's a perfect name, Mela" Lance kissed Mela's head happily before he dozed off exhausted, birthing was both painful and exhausting. 

Keith was just happy no complications happened and he was glad Lance finally got his chance at being a mother.



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