Chapter Seventeen

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2 months later..

Shiro was in a pod after a current, it was after a recent attack by the Galra that Shiro was injured and they were separated by the wormhole, they recently reunited and Keith more than once made sure to check Lance repeatedly for injures and would unnoticeably by the others Touch Lance's stomach.

Lance assured his mate each time that nothing wrong happened and that he and the little one were alright.

Keith waited in the medbay with Lance, "Keith come sit down, we'll be here when he's out" Lance said as he patted a spot next to him Keith took another look at Shiro's pod before taking a seat next to Lance who put his head on Keith's shoulder "he'll be alright. We'll be here for him" Lance assured Keith who sighed "I know... He just doesn't look good good" Lance looked to Shiro's face that showed pain and discomfort.

Lance frowned, he hasn't been in a pod for almost 3 months and his hand traveled to his stomach hearing the soft heartbeat of the little one in his stomach. No one other than Keith and Lance knew about Lance being pregnant and no one other than Lance and someone else knew he was pregnant before. Shiro has been in the pod for atleast two hours now it was only a matter of time until he was able to come out, the pod hissed and Lance and Keith sprung up while Keith caught Shiro Lance pushed the button in the medbay "he's out! Come now!" Lance went back to Shiro and Keith "are you alright?" Lance asked "someone helped me escape" Shiro said "what?' Keith and Lance shared a confused expression, the others came into the room "Pidge, there's coordinates in my arm" Lance looked surprised and so did Pidge "wait what?" Pidge quirked "there coordinates in my arm, someone helped me escape" Shiro insisted.

"I doubt it's nothing" Lance followed after Pidge and Shiro with Keith hot on his heels, Allura didn't like this. She may trust Lance but she would never trust other Galra unless they proved themselves worthy of her trust.

Pidge looked at her screen with Shiro's arm connected and Lance was leaning over to see with ears flickering a few times Keith focused on the screen and not the adorable fluffy tail that he really wanted to stroke and the soft flesh of Lance's ass he wanted to grab. He loved his mate yet Lance made things so painful to not just take him in bed and fuck him, however Keith couldn't at the moment and they were still trying to figure out the mystery of why Lance's hair wasn't turning back brown. They haven't figured it out yet nor had they told anyone about the baby growing in Lance's stomach and that he was an Omega.

"I'm not seeing anything Shiro, are you sure you weren't just dreaming it?" Pidge asked "no, someone helped me escape" Lance glanced to Shiro his aura telling Lance that it was true.

Lance has always been able to read aura's, it let's him know who to trust, who to not trust, who is lying or telling the truth, who is sad, angry, happy or scared even the small things.

He knew Shiro was telling the truth because his aura was orange. But what made him curious is who helped Shiro escape from the Galra, it left him with many unanswered questions. "I found something!" Lance snapped out of his thoughts and realized the repeating numbers in Galran were a message, coordinates. "Pidge, these are coordinates" Lance pointed to the screen "they keep repeating the same thing, the same numbers" he said and she closer to see that he was right "that's actually right, how long could you read that?" She asked looking at the male who only shrugged "not sure I just realized it kept repeating the same thing the more I looked at it" he admitted, he was able to read both Altean and Galran with ease which he found strange but then thought it was because he was half Galra and Allura's teaching.

"Coran sending you the coordinates" Pidge forwarded the coordinates to Coran who pulled them up on the screen "Zanthorium clusters" Lance read "correct. They're entirely unstable, why would the coordinates be here?" Coran wondered "like how unstable? Like, really, really unstable?" Hunk asked worriedly "in a way, yes" Coran said and it didn't help Hunk's worry, even Keith felt on edge and glanced to Lance, the male looked curious as he always was when learning something new or just things he didn't experience in the past.

"What should we do? Go to the coordinates?" Pidge asked "I'm curious and have questions" Lance said "we could but I'm sure it's nothing" Allura frowned.

They ended up heading to the coordinates with Allura not liking the idea one bit. "I'm not seeing anything" Allura said "I hate to admit it but neither am I, I'm sorry Shiro" Lance apologized "it's fine" Shiro said even though he was positive that someone helped him and now his aura told Lance Shiro was doubting about these coordinates. The castles alarm rang "what the!" Lance covered his ears in discomfort, loud sounds were never nice to him. "An intruder, level five" Allura pointed to the screen "Lance, stay here. Everyone else let's go" Lance looked upset "I can help!" Keith shook his head and his eyes gestured to Lance's stomach "no, I prefer you stay here where it's safe" Coran grabbed Lance's shoulder "he's right, it's better your safe then in danger" Lance looked to retort but the others were already running out of the room.

Lance clenched his fists, he didn't want his friends and mate to get hurt, Coran was telling the others who lost or who failed the others and it brought Lance into a smile at Coran's outgoing personality.

"Shiro's got the intruder!" Keith's voice rang through the bridge "we're bringing them up now" Lance went straight to the lounge with Allura and Coran on his tail "Lance!" He looked back to Allura who pulled up his hood, "keep them hidden" he nodded and tucked his tail under his jacket and followed her and Coran to the lounge. Allura had cuffs put on the intruder who was male. "You've returned" he said fo Shiro, "Ulaz" Lance bit his lip, Ulaz's aura told Lance he was trustworthy. Everything he said proved true. "He's trustworthy" Lance said making everyone look at him "how can you be sure? He's Galra" Allura said and Lance frowned a little "I am too but you trust me. Also his aura tells me he's trustworthy everything he's said is true" everyone blinked "How did?" Ulaz asked "it's something I've always been able to do, it helps me know who and not to trust and avoid of danger" he admitted.

"How come we didn't know this?" Pidge said with a pout "it just wasn't irrelevant at the time" Lance said sheepishly "but it's also how I've never felt safe around... Him" the paladins all grew angered looks making Ulaz concerned "he will not get you again, over my dead body" Keith growled "may I know who it is your referring to?" Ulaz asked, the paladin's looked at each then Lance for confirmation Lance was hesitant but nodded. "Lance's father, he's a Galra commander who we've had the none pleasure of coming across" Ulaz frowned "may I know the name? It could be possible I've heard of him before" Lance took a deep breath "Commander Yjok" Ulaz grew an annoyed look "I can see why you hate him, he is not well liked at all. Many hate him because of how he is" The paladins were surprised "You've heard of him before?" Keith asked stepping closer to Lance who peeked over his mates shoulder "many have. It seems recently he has been active again and he's one of the oldest Galran's alive just like Zarkon and his witch" Lance grew confused.

"But how?" Pidge asked "Reports have stated that when the home planets of both the Altean and the Galra populations were destroyed, he was alive during that time. There are records" Allura grew horrified "that's impossible, it's been 10,000 years he couldn't have lived that long" she said "anything is possible princess, even as possible as Zarkon's long life" Allura took a step back thoughts running through her head that Lance went to her side to calm her down.


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