Chapter Five

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Lance's eyes groggily opened only to be blinded by his room light to where he quickly hid his face amongst the blanket that kept him warm.

He shifted his form and now his tail was free to roam without being tucked into his body uncomfortably, he groaned but realized something and sat straight up in his bed and looked around the room in confusion. "How'd I get here? Wasn't I in another room with Keith? Did he bring me here?" Thoughts and unanswered questions looped in his mind that made his head hurt from so many unanswered questions until he remembered what happened and his ears drooped to flatten against his head and his tail stopped moving as well.

He passed out crying Infront of Keith after being questioned.

Keith saw a vulnerable side to him that he didn't want anyone to see, he whimpered and hugged his legs. Keith knows there's something wrong and not only that, Hunk. This is bad, very bad, well in a small sense. Lance's mind was reeling, he needed to be more careful, more secretive, more facades and lies anything to keep the painful truth from coming free.

He.... His past was catching up at a frightening rate and that's scaring him badly, at seventeen years old right now he shouldn't be like this, he shouldn't be terrified, he shouldn't be lying, he shouldn't be hiding truths and secrets. More so ever since meeting aliens he's felt more himself then he did surrounded by humans, his species on earth.

He felt the invisible chains tightening, his fear rising and his anxiety increasing. Even his back was starting to sting from faded scars that layed on his very tanned skin. He's noticed that his skin tone is almost identical to Allura's just a bit lighter, that made him confused and slightly relieved in a way. She felt like the big sister he's never gotten to really know, to be around, to hang out with, to connect with. A part of him told him he's know her before another part telling him she's a complete stranger who you've never met in your lifetime.

His hand unconsciously traced over his chest in a line from shoulder to hip, his right shoulder to left hip. It was an old scar that made him feel like it was brand new from the day he received it. Another painful reminder of his past. Just like his back that was littered in scars his chest also had one including his legs down to his ankles. Reasons on not doing specific training with the others involved the headband training and swimming because of his history, his secrets. Lance chuckled dryly in the quiet, his chuckle with a dry little to no humor in it. Out of everyone on this ship he's the one with so many untold secret, Allura looks like she's got maybe 2 or 3 Coran looks likes he got literally nothing to hide, Keith looks likes got about the same amount as Allura, Hunk is someone he grew up with so he knew he didn't have anything to hide, Pidge which he knew was a girl and had a family out here didn't look She had a single thing left to keep secret, Shiro honestly he didn't know. The man was strong willed and determined that he didn't let things obscure his teams paths or ways.

From his view it looked like Shiro had about 2 secrets maybe a little more then he guessed but Lance himself had more than just a couple. He had a short list of secrets that were all things that needed for be locked away from prying eyes but sadly they weren't. Lance's eyes traveled to his door, the metal waiting to be opened and let either him out or someone in to the room. He knew it was only a matter of time before something were to cause the facades to come clean, the lies to reveal truths and past to come forward.

Maybe he should tell Keith and maybe he could help, he could maybe tell Hunk or even Shiro maybe even Coran but then again he didn't know what they're reactions would be, he didn't know if they'd think he was telling the truth or not, he didn't know.

Throughout his life he's known he was different. Unnatural.

From being born a Neko to being able to see aura's and hear unheard voices, even the mysterious knife his... Mrs. McClain gave him the day he left for the Garrison at age 12, he scoffed dryly. Even his Omega status ended up in the unnatural category he created himself for his differences. His ears perked up when he heard footsteps towards his door before they stopped and knocked on his door, he cleared his throat quietly to not make it sound scared "Yes?" He called hoping his voice stayed like this and he really hoped whoever it was outside did not come in "Allura wants us to train today, Shiro asked me to come get you and tell you to meet everyone in the training room" it was Keith's voice.

He gulped, maybe he could tell Keith... No, no, no. He shook his head. He couldn't. "Alright give me 10 minutes" he heard shuffling and retreating footsteps down the hall. He sighed. He removed himself from his covered and walked over to his own bathroom before looking at his appearance, blue eyes shrunk Abit, white tail and fluffy ears at the top of his head replacing his human ears, brown hair that was light faded Abit into white and the tip of a scar reached out from his shirt to his neck a little.

He had ten minutes to hurry and get dressed before going to the training room that was about 8 rooms away from him from what he remembered.

He changed his appearance to where hair was brown again and human ears returned And his tail tucked back in, his eyes went back to normal as well leaving now trace of a Neko him.

He got ready in just two minutes and his stomach rumbled bringing his lips to form a frown. He knew he was way to underweight, even eating small portions of food goo the others ate but he was never really allowed to eat. Whether it be a snack or a full meal, he wasn't allowed to eat. He grew up on small almost little to no food that got him by. He was starting to hope if Keith brought him back to his room after he passed out that he didn't not feel how underweight he was if he did Lance would either die in embarrassment for being carried by his crush or Keith would become more worried like he admitted he was for him.

As much as he liked it, he couldn't just allow it. That would start revealing hidden things. And as much as he wanted to tell Keith, he couldn't. These chains have been on him for as long as he could remember the abuse, they always lay rooted to their owner, his father or in his own opinion, a monster.

He left his room with his Bayard towards the training room.


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