Chapter Twenty Six

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Lance's eyes fluttered open with Keith's heartbeat and his light snores as the only sound to the quiet room. His mind was still fuzzy from last night but he remembered most of it and his cheeks heat up, from what his hazzy mind can remember as that they did it more than 3 times. He buried his head in the Keith's neck completely flustered, oh how his mind was becoming less fuzzy the more he inhaled Keith's scent.

Keith groaned and turned to his side with his arm around Lance, Lance blinked when Keith's face relaxed again and was back to sleep. Lance played with Keith's hair while the male was asleep, his hair was soft and long and he wonders if that's what drove the attraction to the Kogane. Keith felt someone messing with his hair so he groggily opened his eyes to be greeted by the Ocean blue he's come to crave for a long time "Hi" Lance smiled "Are you playing with my hair?" Lance gave a grin and that was Keith's answer "Your hairs soft by the way" Keith frowned "Is not" Lance mocked a dramatic gasp "Is too! Your hair is super soft!" He exclaimed, Keith say up and pulled Lance onto his lap. Lance scrunched his face up when pain shot up his spine "I don't know if I'll be able to walk for awhile" Lance whined and Keith sweatdropped.


Keith pecked Lance's forehead then set him on the mattress and got off the bed, grabbing their clothes and helping Lance put them on then carried Lance on his back to the bridge. The doors opened and everyone was doing them as they turned to the incoming couple "Had fun?" Pidge smirked and Lance's blush gave her all the answers she needed "Pidge, shut up" Keith said as Pidge blew a raspberry "Your no fun Keith" Hunk and Shiro chuckled "You didn't break his back in did you?" Veronica smiled and Lance stuttered while Keith had a sweatdrop "I think I went a little overboard on him" Keith admitted "My mind is still fuzzy" Lance mumbled but Keith was close enough to head it.

Keith set Lance down in his seat while leaning against the chair "So what are we doing today?" Lance asked "Scouting and infiltration of a nearby Galra base. However, you and Keith will stay here with Coran since you probably can't walk at the moment and we aren't taking any chances of you know who getting anywhere close to you" Lance pouted "Keith I blame you and your hard demon stick" Keith snorted "It's not a demon stick" Pidge was snickering and Coran's shoulders were shaking as he surpressed his laughing. Allura was silent as she observed Keith and his actions. Shiro face palmed and Hunk being the innocent boy he was completely didn't know what demon stick Lance was talking about. Pidge reminded herself to fill him in later.

"Be careful guys and come back, all of you, in one piece. Understand?" Lance said sternly like a mother worried for her children's safety "we will, we will" Shiro assured as the others followed him out we door to their lions with Allura, Lance was pouting in his seat mumbling about wanting to go out there as well Keith sighed and lifted Lance up until he was sitting in his lap "Stop pouting" Lance blew a raspberry at Keith who sighed "If you keep doing that I'll have no choice but to touch the fuzzy tail that belongs to you" Lance shut his mouth immediately, he DID NOT want to moan because his tail has gotten very sensitive to Keith's touch Keith grinned and touched Lance's tail and Lance covered his mouth with his hands to keep in the moan that wanted to escape.

Lance glared through red cheeks and a covered mouth Keith only grinned again and gripped his tail making Lance tense, Coran was too busy looking at his screens to notice the scene behind him. Keith used his free arm to slid under Lance's shirt to mess with the boys nipples "Keith! Stop it!!" Lance flinched with a shudder when Keith flicked his nipple red cheeks were bright red from tanned cheeks Keith pinched Lance's left nipple and stroked Lance's tail, Lance's eyes widen. When did he get so sensitive to Keith's touch that it was arousal? "Mmm!"Lance let out a muffled moan into his hands when Keith went down on his tail towards his butt the Alpha leaned in with a smirk on his lips "I might just fuck you again since you can't walk" Lance's ears twitched and he let out a submissive muffled whine that managed to reach Keith's ears.

Keith released Lance's tail and nipple when Lance sighed in relief but soon yelped when he was over Keith's shoulder "Coran, Me and Lance are going to our room for a bit" Coran waved them off without looking and Keith walked out of the bridge with a struggling Lance on his shoulder.

This horny man was going to wreck his walking ability!


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