Chapter Sixty One

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Pidge got a message from her dad but it wasn't welcoming, it was a distress call. 

"No" Veronica gasped, Earth was taken over by the Galra. "How should we get there then? The lions would surely be found out" Lance said "I have an idea" they gathered on Saturn and set the lions on one of the rings, Lance made sure the kids had their helmets on and his own before he even left Red after checking on the wolf and met up with the others. 

Black set down an undamaged fighter "We can use this, but it's going to be cramped in the back" the wolf left Red and walked up to Lance taking a seat next to him "Is that a wolf and where did it come from?" Veronica pointed to the wolf and Lance looked down to see his friend "I thought I said stay in Red" the wolf huffed at him and shook its head "Why are you not surprised Keith?" Pidge raised an eyebrow at him "Am I supposed to be? I already knew about it" the kids peered cautiously and curiously at the wolf that tilted it's head at them "Since when?" Hunk crossed his arms and Veronica and Allura walked over to their brother and the wolf "I guess he's tagging along" the wolf nodded "I need to give you a name" Pidge and Keith argued over the fact there's an unknown wolf everyone else but Lance and Keith happened to meet. "K-Kosmo??" everyone looked at Cole, Lance smiled "Think Kosmo is a good name?" the wolf seemed to like it and the others blinked, this was the first time they've heard him speak. Mela clapped her hands in a squeal and Cole nodded "Then your name is now Kosmo" the tail wag proved that yes, the wolf was happy. 

"Alright, everybody in" Krolia was tasked with driving the cruiser and everyone else piled in the back "It's very cramped back here" Veronica did not like being in cramped places, Cole and Mela played quietly with their parents on Lance's lap while he was on Keith's lap, to help make it a little less cramped. "Approaching the planet now, there's Galra everywhere outside the planet" Lance and Veronica shared a look, he hoped her family was okay but he was mainly worried about Rachel, Sylvio and Nadia, he really did hope they were nothing like Luis and Marco. They past through the barraged of Galra like they were one of them and entered the atmosphere making the ship shake and the kids to look frantic, Lance calmed them down by hugging them "It's okay, it's okay, calm down" he lulled them gently and softly to help ease their nerves "You're a great mother you know that?" Lance smiled at him and Keith hugged him close again when the ship shook again a bit more in force "We're dropping down fast there's too much weight" "Brace for impact!" Lance covered the kids protectively and everyone braced for impact when the ship crash into a hill and slid down, everyone jolted with the force and did they're best to stay stable and alive. They came to a stop with a crater from their fall. "Is everyone okay? Guys?" Lance was already have his instincts kick in, his worried pheromones waving around everywhere just hoping that everyone was alright.

"We're okay, just a rough landing" he sighed in relief, thank goodness. They left the ship together and Lance didn't let the kids out of his hands, the destruction was a high rate of what he was seeing. "Hunk, do you remember what City this is?" Lance looked to his friend, if he was right, they would be in Plat City, about half a mile from the Garrisson. "Yeah, this is Plat City about half a mile from the Garrisson" Hunk knew this City, he and Lance grew up close by here. "The damage, it's horrible" Veronica couldn't believe what she was seeing, "V, is Rachel and Sylvio an Nadia are alive, do you think they fell into... Ego's?" Lance asked his sister who sighed "I don't know to be honest, but we'll need to find out, come on" the group walked through the wreckage of what was left of the City before running into trouble, the kids squealed out in fear when they were shot at and Lance glared harshly the sentries, oh hell no. No one fires at his babies! Activating his bayard forming a sniper and shot down both drones and sentries "You shoot at my kids you go through me" he growled under his breath and Keith swore he got a hard on but now was not the time. "We need to get somewhere safe" Kosmo sniffed the air, trying to scent out enemies and growled when he saw more drones incoming, he howled and the couple looked to the incoming enemy "Lance, get the kids somewhere safe and stay with them, we'll take care of the sentries" Lance looked appalled "No, not happening. I am not separating from you guys again" he quickly shot that down but Keith and everyone valued his safety including the kids'. 

Lance picked up the kids and used his scarf to make a baby holder for Mela at his front while placing Cole on his hip, "Let's go" Keith groaned "Fine, but your staying out of the crossfire" he said standing up "I've got my family around me to take care of I'll be fine, now come on" he grabbed his arm and pulled him along with the others following, Lance could feel the lions all the way from Saturn, they were anxious and impatient but abided by the situation at the current moment he sent them a sense of knowing. His bond with them was as strong as the moment he was in his mother's stomach the bond they formed a long time ago is one he cherishes the most put of everything. They helped him when he was lost and comforted him when he was scared, they were his family and he loved them.

He's just hoping 3 of the Mcclain's on Earth are alright and alive.



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