Chapter Three

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Hunk kept looking at Lance with worry, something wasn't sitting right with him after Lance said "I'm fine" he knew whenever he was concerned with something about his friend Lance would say that and that always worried him.

They were doing bonding training with the others and he remembered vaguely how forceful Lance didn't want to do the headband training where they went through the others heads to form a virtual Voltron, he knew he shouldn't push Lance for answers but as his friend he was worried. "You guys should be training not laying around" Allura said as she walked into the lounge with her hands on her hips "they're just taking a break princess don't worry" Coran offered a drink to Lance but said boy looked at it with distrust before taking it and drinking that he soon slurped down his throat.

Allura went on a small rant about the very importance of forming Voltron and honestly Lance sometimes shrunk back when her voice raised a little, a raised voice at any volume especially when it's angry or it involves him always makes him terrified and that's sadly because of the fact that he grew up in fear. They soon went back to their lions to try again "Now, form Voltron with the help of us running some dynastic tests for the systems" Allura turned on the lasers when the particle barrier raised "Alright evasive maneuvers!" Shiro yelled and Lance flinched in his seat "I need to hide my flinching quickly before I get caught" Lance reminded himself in his head before doing maneuvers to avoid getting hit.


Hunk pulled Lance aside "Yes?" Lance didn't miss the concern Hunk's eyes held "Lance, I really don't want to push you for answers but I need to know what's wrong. You worrying me" Lance gulped "Nothing's wrong I'm fine" He wavered in his response "No your not. Lance I've known you long enough to know when your actually fine or not, you are not fine" Hunk said sternly and he didn't miss the way Lance flinched "something is wrong, I know it" Hunk concluded in his head "Hunk I'm serious, I'm fine. There is nothing wrong" Lance said forcefully, he couldn't tell Hunk, he couldn't even when he wanted to so bad the invisible chains were there keeping him from telling anyone about what he wants them to save him from.

"I'm going to my room" Hunk went to stop him but Lance was already speed walking away that he didn't get the chance to form the words. He sighed. He needed to get to the bottom of this, something is wrong with Lance he can feel it but he's not one for pushing someone for answers unless it's important, if he pushed Lance for answers Lance would either refuse or plain out ignore him. "Hunk! There you are!" Hunk turned around to see Pidge walking to him "What is it?" he asked glancing back in the direction Lance left "More like what is wrong with you, man, what is it that's got under your skin?" he asked, Hunk looked down at the floor. "Honestly I'm worried about Lance" Hunk admitted "Why is something wrong with him?" Pidge asked "I don't know, I don't want to push him but I'm more worried the more he keeps saying I'm fine I know he isn't, something doesn't feel right" Pidge looked at his friend with a frown "Well, we should keep an eye out and see if we can spot anything unusual with him. I'm sure it's nothing" Pidge assured him, however he wasn't sure if it was really nothing.

Lance listened from behind the wall not far from them.

"Damn it. Don't keep an eye out as much I want you to just please, please please don't" he begged in his head before really going to his room.


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