Chapter Eight (Fluff)

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As stated by Keith he never let Lance walk around by himself and acted as a personal guard in a way sure there were moments where Lance did have moments to himself but he enjoyed Keith's company every chance he got.

The Alpha may not have claimed the Omega beside him but he would never take advantage over the Male unless they were mates which they weren't even though they wanted to be because of untold crushes. Allura began filling in a sibling role to Lance and he loved it, he always craved being with his siblings yet Allura took the role with no problems despite his heritage that they learned in a not so good circumstance. She was seeing that not all Galra were bad and that began with Lance, Lance was beginning to open up more and the facades he hid behind were gone though there were still walls up just Incase.

Coran was the space uncle to everyone else but to Lance he was becoming and filling in the parental role Lance never received growing up. Pidge and Hunk were almost always at Lance's side and Hunk had to do a mission mercury on Lance, Lance was looking so much better with the food he was digesting even if some of it got thrown up because of lack of full meals. Shiro was the space dad to everyone yet he was becoming the best friend that Hunk was to Lance. Lance loved the way he got to connect with everyone, to forge new bonds he always hoped of creating and having the family he's craved since childhood. He felt appreciated, loved, protected. They were still fairly new things he was getting used too and as much as embarrassment and flustered he still gets because of the new experiences but he never shut them out.

He had his Neko form out almost the entire time, the others knew so there was no point in hiding it well, other than on missions that is. Lance's tail wagged as he and Keith walked around the castle together, it was getting late and others were starting to turn in for the night. Lance pondered asking Keith a question but he didn't exactly know how he'd respond and more positive outcomes were surfacing but still the negative remained for the time being. He was healing at a steady pace even some chains still remained attached most were gone now. "Hey Keith" Keith acknowledged with turning to his to Lance, Lance shifted "um, it's probably stupid and uh weird to ask this but um..." Keith's eyes were steady as he waited "c-can I sleep with you t-tonight?" Lance closed his eyes with a gulp, Keith blushed and he was thankful Lance had closed his eyes. "S-sure I don't mind" he still had blush on his cheeks but if faded a little to look unnoticeable.

Keith grabbed Lance's hand and dragged him to his room he pulled Lance inside and the door closed behind him. "Come on sleepy head" Lance yawned and crawled into the bed with Keith snuggling close with droopy eyelids, Keith pulled the blanket over them as Lance fell asleep with ease. He may not have told Keith about the nightmares of vivid memories that have been reappearing but he was glad that Keith accepted even without knowing the reason as to why he as the question, Keith stroked Lance's hair in the silence with Lance's soft snores that he really looked at the sleeping boy snuggled into his side.

When in the Garrison, he always admired Lance from afar knowing how cute he looked that he even noticed the Cuban to be one of the shyest person he's ever seen outside of others views, he knew Lance wasn't cocky it was griffin who was seeing as he was an Alpha who had superiority complex and looked like he had been raised the life of a royal. Allura may have been raised as a royal but she acted more like her own rank then she did her heritage and even she admitted that, still Lance being half Galra was the most surprising thing he's learned about Lance the abuse was downright horror and unrighteous to Lance that he should have never experienced and that was true.

Lance was selfless and caring, he was shy and adorable when he wanted to be, he was loveable and super cuddly when he was tired and Keith loved it. He wanted to mate Lance but he didn't know if Lance returned his feelings so he stayed quiet about his crush on him and observed, protected the Cuban that he loved in silence. He knew Shiro was gay because he loved with Shiro and Adam, but he didn't know what Lance's sexuality was and he was probably straight however something told him that Lance was more of a Bi boy then a straight boy and Keith was gay himself.

He felt his eyes become heavy with each soft snores Lance produced into the silence. With a deep tired side he shifted and his arms shimmed around Lance's form pulling him closer then a small snuggle and drifted to sleep, Lance unconsciously snuggled closer to the Alpha and the Alpha closer to the Omega. Each enjoying the comfort and the sleep was more of bonus to them, the two crushes were fast asleep and not even hearing the door open and quiet cooings and awes from the sneaky crew that was Voltron. Pidge and Allura were snapping pictures, Hunk was in happy tears, Shiro had a smirk and Coran a grin. Coran soon quietly shooed everyone away as the door closed with many quiet protests on the adorableness they just witnessed with their eyes.

Voltron was a small happy family and they were proud of that.


A/N: are the titles on somewhat left of y'all screens or it just mine when I'm reviewing? Help me figure out the problem if it's just me 🥲

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