Chapter Forty One

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Keith hugged Lance loosely around his waist with his hands resting against the baby bump and his back against the wall, Lance was reading something and laying against Keith. Lance was rereading the Journal he found in Haggar's lair, he feels like he may have missed something, something important that he didn't notice before. Keith was asleep with his chin laying on his head comfortably. "Why do I feel like there's more then what I'm seeing?" he wondered in a mumble under his breath, the baby kicked but not as hard as the other day, Lance's hand rubbed the surface. Maybe the baby liked both it's parents together then apart, usually when it kicks it's not harsh or hurting when he and Keith are together but separated well.... He shuddered at the thought of going into a pod again "Freezing cold not my favorite" Blue whined in his head, he apologized but reminded her that he got used to Red's warm temperature's since they're switch and Red sweatdropped at her companion.

The bond he formed with the lions long ago is something he's grateful for because if not for them and later his family, he would've been lost and shrouded in mystery of his own past. He is also thankful to the White lion for helping him but sadly they're back at Oriande. 

But thinking back.... He knows something is wrong with Shiro, he felt.. off to Lance and half the time he was wondering if he was actually him. He hadn't trusted him since he came back from that one mission and then they found Lotor, he is still out there but luckily Keith isn't letting him anywhere near that prince so all was well in that department. Glancing behind him to Keith, he suddenly had the hunger of both him and the baby he placed a hand on his stomach "Let's go get some food and bring some for Daddy" he received a kick in a agreement and Lance shimmed out of his mates arms without waking him up before he tip toed out of the room, he had snuck off one other time before to the training room now he's just going to get some food. 

Funnily enough, he was pregnant both times.

Walking down the halls to the kitchen he got two plates of food goo and some water then left the kitchen back to the room before Keith got worried about the disappearance of his mate and child. The baby kicked in what Lance assumed was excitement for food and he chuckled entering the room with the plates he snickered under his breath when he saw Keith snoring. He set the plates on the bed and poked Keith's cheek with his finger "Keef, wake up" Keith groaned and went back to snoring, Lance just snickered again and poked his cheek with a kiss effectively waking up Keith who looked at him groggily, he really needed to stop training so much or he'll tire himself out. "I brought you some food and water, sleepyhead" Keith rubbed his eyes in a yawn as Lance handed him the plate and took a spot next to him "You could have waken me up to get the food" he said yawning again "I need to move around and you looked so peaceful so the baby and I got food and came back" he grinned as Keith sighed "Fair enough" they ate their food and Lance soon after decided to take a nap possibly because being pregnant tires him out a lot which he's noticed the entire few months, Keith repositioned Lance and set the plates on the floor and layed down with Lance in his arms and feel back asleep, he was still tired from Training and with Lance in his arms he fell asleep with no problems. 



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