Chapter Ten

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Keith tapped his foot impatiently with Pidge not far from him, they were the only two in the medbay and it's been four days since Lance was put in the pod and still hasn't come out yet. It seemed there was more damage then that could be seen from afar.

Pidge leaned against the pod, she's had about 2 or 3 hours of sleep but not enough and she was even taken off piloting for awhile until she was back to herself which anyone doubt would happen with what she witnessed with her own eyes, Keith hasn't really slept either between either the medbay or training room is where he occupied the last few days.

Shiro and Allura decided that they would take over until Lance was out, Coran did either repairs or checked in with Keith and Pidge on Lance's progress, Hunk was stress cooking and so there was a lots of food being prepared that could be saved or eaten up by everyone. Everyone was on edge and worried, only Keith was aware Lance was an Omega and his Alpha instincts have been yelling at him to be here for the hurting Omega behind the turquoise blue glass of ice. They heard a hissing sound and shot up Lance fell into Keith's arms shivering and Pidge pushed the button in the room "he's awake!" She yelled "p-pidgey?" Lance's voice was raspy and weak as she rushed into him with Keith keeping him up and steady "p-please don't scare me like that again!" She cried "I'm sorry it wasn't my intention" his legs were shaky so Keith helped him to the floor with Pidge hugging around his waist and Keith pulling them close, the doors opened and the others rushed in.

"Oh thank the ancients your alright" Coran sighed in relief and rushed over to hug Lance being careful of his arm that probably still wasn't healed "just a bit dizzy and cold is all" he responded with a weak smile "both you and Pidge are not leaving the castle for a little while" Keith said "b-but you guys would need help we'll be fine" Lance retorted worriedly "he's right Lance, you just got out of the pod and your still healing and Pidge hasn't had any rest or eaten anything she's just been in here. You guys are in no shape or mindset to go out yet" Shiro said calmly "b-but--" shiro shook his head at the two's protest "no, me and Allura agreed you both are taking time off, it's not permanent but it'll be a few weeks until you two are able to get out again" Shiro explained Pidge and Lance shared a look of Defeat.

PTSD was a bitch when it wanted to be.

The next few days were the two short ones complaining about wanting to help everyone else and that they were fine but their friends were protective and were not letting them out of the castle. Lance was now healed up to a good degree where he didn't feel a large amount of pain but still felt a bit sometimes however Pidge hasn't left his side and they were both bored. Pidge tugged on his hand "what If we left the castle but stayed near for like an hour?" She suggested trying to find something to do with the boredom that's taken place "wouldn't we get in trouble? As much as I wanna get out of the castle even for a little bit wouldn't the others get upset with us?" He said with a frown that found it's way on Pidge's as well. "Ugh! This boredom is going to kill us! We need to get out there!" She whined and Lance chuckled.

He thought about her suggestion, they would stay near the castle in eye sight and it would only be an hour at most. They needed to get some of this boredom out of their bodies and what better way to do that then ride in their lions while in sight of their friends? "You know what, I might just take you up on that suggestion" Pidge and him grinned "race you, last one out has to do the dishes!" Lance raced forward as soon as the last letter left her mouth "oh, your on!" He laughed as he heard racing footsteps towards the hangers.

Lance grinned in victory when he seen the Green lion exiting the castle to him "damn it!" She whined in defeat, she had to do dishes from her own race and Lance laughed. "What are you guys doing! Get back in the castle!" Keith yelled through the comms as his screen showed up on theirs "we're bored and we're staying in sight" Lance smiled "guys" he drawled out in a warning however his eyes didn't have that same warning as his tone "come on Keithy! We'll stay in sight we promise" Keith blushed "I'm not Keithy I'm Keith" he defended "okay your not Keithy" Keith sighed in relief and Pidge knew exactly what Lance was doing "your Keef" Lance and Pidge laughed at Keith's expression that was between blush and disbelief and an evident is not "no I am not! It's Keith! Not Keithy and not Keef!" Coran could be heard snickering from the doors of the bridge "then join us!" Pidge cheered "no come back inside or I will drag you both in myself" Keith said sternly.

"But how would you do that? There's two lions and your a smol human" Pidge taunted "yeah Keef, can't get us" Pidge grinned at Lance as they taunted Keith playfully, Keith's eye twitched in amusement and annoyance "alright. You won't listen, then it's time for me to bring you in manually and if you guys don't have chores then your about to" Keith was soon out with the red lion chasing the green and blue around to drag them back into the castle, Keith had an idea and muted his comms to Pidge and Lance and opened a private channel to the castle "Hunk, Shiro, need some help with two children who are bored and making me chase them in lions" he called "they're outside? They're supposed to be inside not out!" Allura's voice called in "they were bored apperiantly and they taunted me to come drag them in manually" he continued to chase the two who were- as they said- staying close to the castle in eyesight and didn't wander far. "We're on our way, but who will get who?" Hunk asked "I'll get Lance. One of you can get Pidge because they are both maneuvering to where I can't grab either of them" Keith huffed at another dodge Pidge did and she moved closer to Lance who had his lion in a teasing kind of way that it was making it hard for Keith to not try and catch him.

Soon the black and yellow lions joined in the chase and they would be lying of they said this wasn't fun. "Hahaha! Missed!" Pidge cheered as she flew at the castle then flew up to avoid Hunk who sadly crashed into the castle before he was at the chase again, she felt something latch onto Green and looked out her window to see black "I didn't miss however" she looked to see Keith still chasing Lance and the red and blue lions were moving like cats chasing a ball of yarn with excitement.

Hunk was helping in the chase for Lance before Hunk's block led Keith to being able to grab blue "aw man! I was close to escaping!" Lance whined "not sorry, not back into the castle with you two knuckleheads and your both on cleaning duty with Coran" they whined in protests "nope. You brought this on yourselves for being bored now you will pay by helping Coran" Shiro said and the two deflated in their seats being carried back by Black and Red to the castle.



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