Chapter Fifty

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Over the course of the next 2 weeks confirming to a full month since Lance was taken by Lotor, he and Axca began to slowly trust each other forming some odd bond you'd never expect between them. She did a few glances unnoticed around and watched as Lotor finally left his quarters, she quickly looked back to her screen as Lotor turned his attention towards where the computers where on the console "Axca" she jerked just slightly but not noticeably and looked to Lotor, the look he gave her was clear she nodded and went on her way to his quarters without a word, hope in her that Lance wasn't like the last few times. She entered Lotor's room and Lance was huddled in a blanket if she squinted she could see him trembling "Lance?" he shot his head up at her and quickly wiped his eyes of tears "S-sorry, H-hi, um" she frowned, she knew Lotor raped him but she didn't know the extent, it was one of the things she and Lance discussed when they trusted each other a bit more then they're previous encounter of him nearly falling off the bed. 

He cleared his throat and closed the blanket tighter to him, he couldn't let Axca see the new wound that looked like if he tried to stretch it would tear and bleed she'd have a fit if she had seen it so he was avoiding in showing her. "Is everything alright?" she asked as he sheepishly didn't know how to respond, "Come, let's get you cleaned up before you eat" he took her hand and they left for the bathroom.

She turned on the water and then turned around letting him get in but he covered one of his sides, his stomach was growing as the child grew inside of him, he frowned. Would this child be poisoned by quintessence poisoning? Mela wasn't thankfully since her father is Keith but would this one be the same as her? he didn't know, he felt his arm get lifted and turned to see Axca lifting his arm, crap. She saw the wound he was covering and her features seemed to harden with something he couldn't figure out and again, her aura wasn't giving him a straight answer. "Lance" yep he's doomed. "Why did you try to hide this? It looks close to ripping apart" she said inspecting it, he looked the other direction and she sighed. "I'll bandage you up once you're done and you can eat while I do so" he was embarrassed why did she have to see that, he can live with close to open wounds just fine. 

She frowned when she saw his back again, there were scars everywhere his back looked like fire just torched the skin entirely, "Where... where did these come from?" she asked tapping his back, he flinched a little bit at least with Axca his old habits weren't as bad thankfully but they were still back in bad shape. His hand drifted to his shoulder and the tips of his fingers touched the scarred skin. He sighed, maybe it's time she knew a little bit of how those got there... "These... are from my childhood... they aren't pleasant memories and they are apart of my um... previous rapist" her eyes widen "By previous you mean..." he nodded "Before Lotor, I was raped by someone else. He's dead now thankfully but... everything that's happened is just a repeat of then, my previous rapist did this" he tapped his back with his finger. Her fingers hesitantly touched the scars, there was so many and on one body one man did this? She's seen a lot of things in her life as a half breed even death is something she's done herself but this... this just makes her want to throw up because of how horrible it looked. She decided to make a decision right here and now, she needed to get Lance out of here somehow, even if she has to die in the process. 

"I'll let you finish up then you can come eat" she stood up from her squatting position and left the bathroom into the main room, Lance did as she said and finished up using the blanket to have at least some shame to his own body since Lotor destroyed the only clothing he could wear the second time he raped him so the blanket was his best shot hiding his body somehow. Axca turned to see Lance exit the bathroom, the first time she had seen him his hair was short but after a month on the ship his hair grew to about shoulder length, he needed clothes. She pointed to the bed "I'll be back, stay there" he watched as she left the room and he wondered if he should sit on the bed and heard the doors hiss open again making him back up in fear but it was only Axca who had returned with bandages and a stack of clothes? "Are those clothes?" he asked and she could tell he was a bit hopeful "Yes, I'm not sure what happened to the others but you need clothing and a blanket doesn't count" she had a point, it didn't count. She offered up the clothes and turned so that he could get changed and he was so glad these had pants, he quickly got dressed and in the process ripped open his wound "Uh-oh" he got his pants on by the time she turned and she saw blood at his side, he looked both not really bothered and sheepish "Whoops?" she sighed and ushered him to the bed so she can fix him up she gathered the supplies and began the treatment "Sorry" she nodded a little "Be more careful I told you it was going to rip" he pouted "I didn't realize I stretched that much for it to rip" he said "Still" she retorted and tightened the bandages against the wound and he winced a bit but let her finish. 

Once she finished he put on the shirt and realized that it was prisoner clothing and looked at her "We don't have much sorry" he begrudgingly accepted his new clothing and she gave him his food which he took small bites of it "You should eat more, it's not much but still" he frowned "....I wasn't allowed to eat when under my previous rapist and since being stuck with Lotor, I fell back into old habits.... one of them was not eating much due to fear of getting... raped.." she clenched one of her fists out of sight of Lance as he set aside the food and just drank the water pouch, she definitely needed to get him out of here, the more she learned about him and observed him the more he showed her just how pure he actually is. He's shown no signs of threats, harm or even a foul attitude towards anyone but Lotor as far as she's witnessed so it was ideal that he be somewhere other than here. The doors opened and Lance glared and backed up against the wall and Axca straightened her posture, "I see she's given you new clothing" Lance's glare hardened "Stay away from me" he snapped, yep Lotor is the only one he's shown hostility towards. "You still do not know who owns you" Lance rolled his eyes and Axca observed "I'm not about to be a puppet under my rapist, never again, die in hell bastard" Keith would have been proud of Lance if he saw him now. "Still a foul mouth" Lotor looked to Axca, "Grab him and bring him to the bridge, can't have this Omega running about unwatched" his eyes widen and Axca did as ordered while giving Lance a look that says I'll protect you and she grabbed him by the wrist hoisting him off the bed. She followed after Lotor with Lance behind her in her grasp, as long as he stays away from the others he'll be fine Ezor and Zethrid wouldn't try anything if she had anything to say about it. 

They entered the bridge and Lance stayed near Axca while she held his hands like a prisoner, Lotor walked past and he jerked away from him earning a smirk from the Galran prince "Get to the ships, we have a quintessence gateway to enter" Axca led Lance to the ships with Ezor and Zethrid not too far behind and she offered him a helmet that he took and put on his head and she helped him inside, taking her seat Lance held that back of it and Ezor took the seat behind him and Zethrid took the other ship. "On my mark, now" they ejected out of the main ship in the three small ones and Lance gripped the back of Axca's seat in unease, his stomach was still growing but he wasn't going to risk anything, he was not about to let an innocent life die in his again. 



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