Chapter Twenty Eight

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3 months later...

The others began working with the Galra in stopping the war, Lance and Keith still didn't trust Lotor no matter how many lies he spilt. With able permission they were going through Haggar's lair filled with a variety of different things, "Remember we're just looking around, don't break anything and do not get hurt" Lance mock saluted and grabbed Keith's hand to look around, for a crazy witch she had a lot of cool things that Lance's curiosity was through the roof of its peak.

Keith looked at something's ahead while Lance still looked at the shelves of different items but accidentally knocked something off the lower shelf, it let out a ploop sound that made his ear twitch and looked down to see a journal or diary of some kind curious he picked it up and began to go through it. He found many interesting topics about quintessence, Allura and Coran spoke of that a lot now that he thought about it however something caught his attention while reading.

Log 6-Nova-36

Alfor has told me he's going to have a son, I was surprised by that. The new boy I'm sure would no doubt look like his father or maybe his mother Allura was smiling while she told me with her father.

My old friend loved children but I didn't expect that he'd have two or give Allura a sibling. Oh well, I'm happy for them. And I'm sure the new prince will become an amazing young man like his father.

Lance raised an eyebrow at reading this.

Prince... Altean prince. Did he miss something in past meetings? He didn't know Allura had a brother and he wonders what happened because he hasn't seen or has heard Allura mention a brother of hers. But what also caught his attention was that this didn't sound like a crazy witch, it sounded like a no troubled Altean explaining their life in a journal.

Keith glanced over to see Lance still looking at things with a wagging tail so he walked over, Lance had decided to investigate the journal he found in secret so after reading that log he hid the journal in his armor before Keith looked on his direction.

"Should we go check a different area?" Keith asked as Lance looked at him "we could, lady has a lot of things in here" Keith grabbed his hand and they went to look somewhere else.

Later in the castle, Keith was asleep and Lance was looking through the journal he found. There were different logs that provided him with answers, expeditions of past adventures, theory's, love life and well things about the mysterious Altean prince. From what he's read up to near the end of the logs until they just stop suddenly, the prince was kidnapped the day he was born. That was suspicious and weird in his opinion. How and why do you kidnap a newborn? It made him frown at the very thought of his child being stolen from him but then again he hasn't got to meet his children because of a monster, he'd look into the investigation he planned by himself a little more some other time.

He gently got up from the bed and put the journal in his bag then got back into bed with Keith and snuggled close to his Alpha who's arms immediately wrapped around him, Lance's eyes closed and he fell asleep with one question in his head.

Who exactly is the Altean prince of Altea?


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