Chapter Sixty Two

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Keith stared blankly at the new comers while standing in front of Lance and the kids, they were from the Garrisson and they were pointing their guns? at him. "What are you doing with the Galra?" one hissed, Lance glared and stepped next to Keith with his kids looking at him and Krolia gave him a nearly cold stare that sent shivers down his spine. "You shoot him or her, and I shoot you" he threatened "Is that a threat?" Lance cocked his head, tauntingly at him. "It's a promise if you decide to shoot two members of my family. I dare you to try it" he was dead serious, Cole glared at the new comer and Mela puffed her cheeks, this new guy better not shoot their dad and grandma. "Listen there is no need for violence, look they aren't apart of the Galra" Shiro stepped between them to try and ease the tension and take away the most deathly staring contest between Lance and the new comer. 

"How can say so? Just look around you! It's because of the Earth is the way it is now" he snapped and Shiro narrowed his eyes, "And you think I don't know that? You think the people behind me don't know that? We've seen this countless times. We know what's going on right now" His posture was calm but there was something in his voice that nearly no one could pinpoint that they flinched a bit "I got this Shiro, let's just I don't go Keith mode and knock their heads together" Keith frowned at him "You have a Keith mode? Since when?" Pidge and Hunk snickered behind them and Lance flicked his nose lovingly "You're my mate and my boyfriend, I'm around you the most so, yes, I have a Keith mode from my hothead right here" he tapped his head "Okay, quit your flirting and do that later" Lance pouted at him "Fine. But seriously, he's right. We've seen more destruction then what's around us now, I don't know who you are because you have your helmet on but I do want you to know that I will knock your teeth out if you shoot anyone that came with me and is with us at this current moment. That includes my kids, my sisters, the two Galrans behind me and my friends" He gestured his hand to each of the named starting with the kids then the named friends, Coran messed with his mustache looking at the newer Humans. Allura however had her arms crossed staring narrowly at them and Veronica looked close to punching the one who's still aiming at them. 

The new comer tched "And if I do listen to you?" he snapped at him "Then you'll be fine from getting a beat down, I've been through hell and back and I'll make sure I bring hell to you if you try anything stupid to warrent that beat down. Done and good? Wonderful! Now, take us to the Garrisson so we can find Sam Holt and let him fill us in" he was smiling as he explained "Keith, he's a sadist, your a sadist and Mela is a sadist AND you cannot tell me otherwise!" Pidge pointed her finger at him "We are not sadists! Well maybe I am but not Lance and Mela!" the gun lowered "Lance? Lance Mcclain that short ass teen who went missing couple years ago?" Lance huffed "It's stunted growth and do not curse around my kids or I will kick you were the sun don't shine" he then looked at his kids "Don't curse" Cole did gestures and Mela looked interested "No, Don't do it" Cole grumbled under his breath and Mela reached over her mother's shoulder and pat his head. "Knock it off before you cause a fight man, look we were tasked with bringing them back to the Garrisson not causing a fight" Lance looked at the other one that came with the one who irked him a lot "Razavi, they have Galra with them!" he argued "I don't care, they haven't attacked you yet and they haven't attacked me, plus if that's Lance Mcclain then he's not dead" she stated gesturing to Lance "I'm not Lance Mcclain this isn't even my home planet, the only real Mcclain with me is my sister Veronica" he pointed to Veronica who adjusted her glasses and folded her arms "The who the hell are you?" he asked "Lance Altea, My sister Allura is Allura Altea" he pointed to Allura this time and the pair could see the resemblance between them, the only difference was the different tones of eye color, height, gender and markings under their eyes. 

"He's right, He's not a Mcclain he's an Altean like Allura, He's not from here and Neither is Romelle, Coran and Allura" she said "Cool, come on, split evenly into the cars" Keith and Kosmo stuck with Lance and the kids and went with Razavi since the other one they were having problems with and they drove the Garrisson "Is that a Particle barrier?" they looked out the window as they neared the barriered base of the Garrisson, "That is, Sam actually built it with Altean technology if I remember correctly" Pidge smiled and Lance's hand drifted to what was left of the castle around his neck. The barrier lifted and they were let in with it falling down again seconds later, Pidge held Lance's hand hopeful to see her mom, Lance gave her a reassuring smile and they pulled to the front. Colleen ran forward and Lance opened the door for Pidge as she jumped into her mother's arms "Mom!" Colleen hugged her tight to her, her youngest baby was back home and alive. "Oh Katie, I'm so glad your okay" Pidge nuzzled her face further into her neck, she missed her mom so much. "Lance, Veronica!" The mentioned froze and turned, Rachel raced forward and Keith took the kids from Lance as she plummeted into the pair nearly making them loose their balance. "Rachel?" Lance barely called a whisper as she hugged him, she should have done more for him, protected him more, she was grateful he was still alive. 

"Rachel! Get away from him, now" Veronica looked at who spoke and saw Luis, the amount of his Alpha pheromones were just waning off of him was a lot "No" she looked at her brother and Luis glared at her "Luis, I don't know where your head went but cut the shit out. Your an adult act like it" Sylvio and Nadia peeked behind Marco who didn't say much "Veronica you know he hasn't changed" Lance said "I can tell that but it's better if Sylvio and Nadia aren't around that" he nodded a bit that that. "Who the hell are you guys?" Keith and Cole were looking at them and Mela had her hand in her mouth hanging onto his armor "Keith, guys, these are the Mcclain's. Rachel and Veronica's family" he jaw tightened "We're yours too you little Omega" Lance flinched at the title of his status "Excuse you?" Voltron gathered around Lance and Allura had her fists clenched staring daggers at Luis, Krolia was about 2 seconds from knocking his daylights out.

Colleen looked at the forming harsh tension within the air, something was wrong.

"No I'm not" he muttered when he heard what Luis said "Look, I don't know what's going on but stop. We don't have time for fighting against each other when we have a bigger threat as it" Colleen said as she stood up, "She's right. Fighting amongst each other is not what we need right now" Iverson and Sam greeted them with they're presence and Pidge to hug Sam and he hugged her back tightly. "Fine, but you," Shiro pointed squarely at Luis "Stay away from Lance, if not you'll have more then just me to answer to" Luis glared at the older Alpha and looked away Cole ran at his mother and Sylvio and Nadia were curious on who Lance was. "Sylvio, Nadia, come on" Rachel reached out for them and they ran into her arms and they walked off with Voltron, "That damn Omega doesn't know his place" Luis grunted under his breath "We try and separate him from the others, see what we can learn now that he's back" Marco said and Luis huffed, "Yeah sure, and I'll get mom to get off her ass" Marco rolled his eyes "It's not going to work but okay"



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