Chapter Sixty

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They were hallucinating, they can't have reached Earth already. Hunk noticed something was wrong, very wrong. "Wait, I don't think that's Earth." He said not sure if they were really back "Hunk your hallucinating just let us take you home" Pidge and the others pushed Hunk towards "Earth" but he fought back and moved away from them. This isn't Earth. There was no sun, no moon, and no constellations that he recognized. He wasn't the one hallucinating, everyone else was. He activated his cannon by pure will and fired at "Earth" the blast shooting past them and hitting the planet only something was amiss. It changed form and it was indeed not Earth, the hallucination was to lure it's prey to it, Hunk was right. "How'd you--" Pidge noticed he had his cannon in hand "I couldn't just let you guys go to that, I know we all want to go home but you guys are too dehydrated to see past the hallucination. Yes, I believed that was Earth too but it wasn't and it almost led you guys to your deaths. Get away from here, I'll take it long enough for you guys to get away safely" Keith shook his head "Absolutely not you'll get yourself killed" Allura nodded "He's right, Hunk. You'll die if you take it on alone" she said "I don't care. As long as you guys are fine and Alive I'll be fine" Pidge punched his shoulder "No way, we're the paladins of Voltron and your friend, you can't get rid of us that easily" she said as Hunk smiled, the creature screeched and circled around them. 

"How do we beat this thing when we can't activate our bayards?" Hunk tried to think how he activated his when he couldn't before after that storm hit them. The creature flew straight at them but Hunk moved to the front and fired hitting it in the face and it moved back before going again only to get another blast to the face by not Hunk's cannon but Black's mouth beam, the rest of the lions followed in suit, Red hanging back to protect what lay in her cockpit. Her paladin, her friend. The creature screeched at the lions that now safely captured their paladins and they were back in they're cockpits, everyone was still frozen in they're places "Alright, let's take this thing down together" Keith starred daggers at the creature, it was hungry and angry. "On me, Form Voltron!" Red joined in with the others forming Voltron, Thanks to Lance's quintessence she is able to form with the others despite him not piloting her. It's something he managed to unlock a long time ago for all the lions. 

Red and Pidge formed Voltron's sword and they lunged for the creature only it ran away so fast that it left the paladins in confusion but not for long because the storm hit again. They groaned, "What do we do?" Allura yelled gripping her controls and gritting her teeth to not groan in pain again "Push forward with all your strength now!" Keith yelled the order and they did so, when knocked back they pushed forward they weren't going to let this storm hold them back, they were going to push forward and get home!

The surrounding area changed around them and the storm subsided and vanished, Voltron was left alone in space and they split up into separate lions. Keith heard groaning behind him and shot his head around to look, Shiro was now leaning against the metal wall of the cockpit and Krolia was rubbing the bridge of her nose from the headache she suddenly got. "Lance?" this time he got a response "I'm here, head hurts though and I think--" Lance had to look twice out the window to make sure he knew what he was seeing "Lance what is it?" Veronica moved her was forward next to Hunk looking at the window, she was sure she was seeing this right "Guys, we're home" he carried the kids to the front as Cole peered cautiously to the window and Mela decided to keep her eyes shut still being scared of whatever happened. "The Milky way" Hunk and Pidge's voices were full of hope, what they were seeing was real it wasn't a hallucination it was real. "Well, what's our next course of action, leader?" Shiro placed his only remaining hand on Keith's shoulder as he smiled "Everyone ready? Let's go home to Earth" Lance sat in Red's pilot seat and had the kids sit on his lap "Hang on tight hun, we're going home" Cole wondered what he meant by that but hugged Mela with one arm close to him and Lance's stomach and used his free hand to grasp Lance's shirt, Mela opened her eyes to see Lance smiling fondly at her and Cole and he pushed forward on the controls following the others. 

Next stop, Earth. 



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