Chapter Thirty Two

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A/N: Apologies on the long wait for updates on this book but I've had some new ideas sprouting for this and it's about time I updated this wonderful book again since the amount of reads tells me y'all like it and have been waiting for updates so ye- sorry for late updates on some books but I'm getting to it!!


Lance sat in one of the corner's of the castle's library reading a book in Altean, his tail wagging from side to side and ears twitching a few times from the chill in the room he decided to try and learn more about what he learned from Oriande no wonder he always felt so out of place back then it all made sense and no wonder he never once trusted his monster everything made so much sense now since he's learned the truth.

Looking at his hand after removing it from the book he clenched it closed.

He hasn't told anyone else what he's learned just yet but it gave him more will to take down Yjok at any costs to prevent him from causing more damage and to put an end to the chains he still had ahold of. All he needed to do now was wait for the one and only opportunity to be free permanently from him and be a step closer to winning this war that has been on for long enough that it needed to end and Yjok was apart of this war, another pawn had been made and must be rid of in order to keep moving forward without more problems surfacing luckily he's met another Altean. Romelle was an odd Altean but she was friendly and fun to be around when Curiosity got the better of them.

"Lance? Are you in here?" he perked up, was that Veronica? "Lance? Kitten where are you?" he closed the book and hopped off the couch he was on racing to find his sister "Vivi!" She looked behind her to see Lance as he hugged her with a smile and purr "There you are" she chuckled and hugged him back with a kiss on his head "Missed you bud, how have you been?" she asked him as they broke their hug when she then noticed his Altean marks, a vibrant light ocean blue in-tuned with his natural deep ocean blue eyes "Alright, Keith and his demon stick keep ruining my walking a bit but other than that, okay" she chuckled once more on the words demon stick honestly she found it hilarious on Lance's term for dick being shoved up his ass like he's going out of style. "Then where did these pretty marks come from, hm? I don't remember them being there when I left" she said poking his Blue marks "I recently learned I'm an Altean with Galra blood, Allura's happy she and Coran aren't the only ones left including Romelle" she huffed, she knew her brother was special but she didn't think that special there must be more then he's letting on she can tell there's something else he's not saying but then again she'll know in due time, she thought to herself. 

She always knew Lance was different, that much was true the more he was out in space fighting in a war that has lasted a long time and the more she gathers intel on the Galra and their motives the more she's starting to find some things that involve Yjok and it's more then just one thing. She could make a list of what she's finding time by time all dating to when the war first started to his disappearance to him being active again, nothing halfway made sense but she's not a girl who just sits down and does nothing, she have to die twice before she let's her brother get hurt again never again does she want Lance being tortured, abused, neglected, and everything in the book. She hates how a sweet boy like him went through all of that but no matter what, she'll do what she needs to do in order for Lance to reach the happy place he needs and she wants that to be permeant for him for the rest of his life.


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