Chapter Twenty Four

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The blade of Marmora.

They're base was between two black holes and a giant blue star straight in the middle and now only two were able to enter. "I wanna go with" Lance called "Lance" Allura called worried "No, I don't want them to go alone. What if they need help? What if something goes wrong? What if they need back up!" Lance's anxiety was spiking, Keith put a hand on his shoulder his blade tucked behind him in his suit. "Calm down, we'll figure something out" Lance bit his nail in uncertainty Shiro looked just as worried as Lance "How about this, we'll take three of us. Just in case" He suggested "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hunk asked, Veronica bit her lip with Pidge by her side and Coran was at his usual console.

"The path to get there will only remain open for about a Varga after that it'll close for two Quintants" Lance's ears went down, two days that pathway will be closed and his anxiety wasn't helping. He didn't want to leave any of them alone afraid something will happen to them. Allura rubbed Lance's back to try and calm his anxiety that was still spiking in the end Lance, Keith and Shiro were loaded into the red lion and following the path given to them.

Lance layed his head against Keith's leg as he piloted Red with Shiro behind his chair, Red's purrs filled his ears letting his tail swish in soft motions against the metal of the cockpit. Lance didn't want to intrude in the conversation between the brothers so he tuned it out leaving only Red's purrs and machine humming.

For some reason the first day he entered this castle he felt drawn to the lions, each one, all five. Green was like a little sister, Yellow was that cuddly bear you just need to cuddle, Black was like Space dad, Blue gave him a mother's love and Red was that crazy lady you just loved being around. Each of the lions he felt likes he's known them before and they him, it was a connection almost and he'd usually visit the lions in their hangers for a little bit before moving onto the next. Red suddenly jerked and Lance yelped, "we're getting pulled into the black hole! Hang on!" Keith pulled Red's controls to get back on track and the passengers sighed in relief when they were on the path once more.

"What happened?" Lance turned "Sorry, just had a lot on my mind is all" Lance frowned, Red made it through the opening before it closed behind them and she landed on the moons surface. Keith, Shiro and Lance exited red "only two were allowed" Lance hid behind Keith with Shiro looking displeased at the blade members "He stays with us, I'm not leaving him alone anywhere" The blade members looked at eachother before turning on their heels and walking to the rocks, the paladins followed with Lance in between Shiro and Keith.

The doors opened and they were now inside the base.

"Identify yourselves" Lance assumed it was the leader of the Blade who spoke, "We're the paladins of Voltron" Shiro spoke keeping Lance in-between him and Keith or hiding him so that the blades wouldn't get any ideas with their shyest member "I know who you are, you were also told to come unarmed" Keith snapped "You also told us to identify ourselves. The lions are about as close to ID" He spat and Lance was getting worried "Keith calm down--" He was cut off the by the Blades leader "I'm aware, however I wasn't referring to your beast" Lance didn't like that "Hey!" He puffed his cheeks, Red was not a beast just a giant cat in red, a blade member manhandled Keith "Get off him!" Shiro held Lance back from running to his mate, the Blade member pulled out a knife Keith had in his armor.

"What are you doing!" Keith growled "He has one of our blades" The leader looked to Keith "Whom did you steal this from?" The blade demanded "I didn't! I've had it all my life!" He said, the leader turned to Shiro and Lance "Does your friend speak truth?" He asked "I-i, I don't know" Lance looked at Keith "He said he's had since he was a kid, I don't know who gave it to him" Shiro said, their aura's told Lance it was true, he didn't know if he should trust these blade members. Their aura's weren't giving him a straight answer.

Keith was questioned again about the knife until they were told to leave but Keith wasn't going anywhere without answers, he wanted to know who's knife it was. Either his unknown mother or his deceased father. "I'm not leaving without answers, one of your blades ended up on Earth with me. Tell me how" Lance grabbed his hand "Keith, if they're not going to welcome us then we should leave" Lance nodded, his ears flattened against his head in his helmet which was slightly uncomfortable but he managed "not with that blade, it is not yours, you have not proven yourself worthy" Lance seemed to somewhat understand but they couldn't leave the base for two days and if his anxiety wasn't spiking it was now.

The leader suggested a challenge for either knowledge or death. Keith accepted but assured his mate and brother he'd be fine.

Lance looked through the window whimpering "Keith" he was worried for his Alpha and he couldn't help his whimpering that was no doubt making glances turn in his direction but he wasn't concerned on that, only his mate. Shiro placed a hand on Lance's shoulder which caused the boy to jump a little and look at Shiro "He'll be alright, he's stubborn so he won't die easily" Lance pierced his lips and looked back at where Keith was.

Only time will tell if he'll be alright.


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