Chapter Fifty Four

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"Cole!" Lance shrieked at his son as he and Keith walked back in, Cole was so close to touching the fire and Mela was playing with his other hand "I said don't touch the fire to prevent you from getting burn!" Cole pouted wanting to touch it but Lance scooped them both up in his arms, he sighed "Curiosity is going to kill you one day, don't let it" Mela let his hand go to hold onto Lance's shirt and Cole did gestures with his hands "No, just because you want to touch it you can't, you'll get hurt" Cole continued to pout but Lance wasn't letting either of his children touch the fire and get hurt in the process, "Hang on, If Cole's 3 and Mela's 7 months old, wouldn't he technically be her older brother?" Lance blinked "I think so? Wherever you guys were, time moved differently for the rest of us" he shrugged "Damn" Lance popped him under the chin "If he starts cussing I'm biting your tail" he threatened "You bite my tail I bite your a--" Lance kicked him with blush on his face "Not around the kids you idiot!" Keith grinned at him. 

Lance set the kids with Keith and went into the kitchen to get them some food before coming back with two plates, he handed Cole his plate and Mela tried to grab handfuls of it but Lance chuckled and stopped her "Hang on" she pouted but gurgled happily when Lance spoon fed her, he thought she still needed to be breast fed but he wasn't sure. Pidge peered over, "She can eat other foods now?" she asked "Don't know but she's happy with it" Pidge leaned on his head "Missed you dork" he chuckled "Missed you too Pidgey" Mela burped and reached for some more and Cole leaned against Lance quietly eating his food happily. "Careful hun, don't choke. Small bites" she did so since the food was good and she loved her mama. "Why couldn't her first words be Dada?" Keith pouted "Wait, she said her first words?!" Pidge exclaimed "Yep and you missed it" she whined, "No!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to hear her first words! What was it?" Lance grinned "Mama" Mela gurled happily clapping her hands confirming what he said "Mama!" Lance smiled, setting aside the plate and lifting her up "Yep, I'm mama Mel" she giggled, Cole looked at her tilting his head she then reached for Cole, "You wanna see Cole?" she clapped her hands reaching for him and Lance brought her down to see her brother his hand lifted and she grabbed it. "This is your brother Mel, but due to different times, he's your big brother" she tilted her head at him. Pidge face palmed making Lance look at her and Keith to turn and hide his blush. 

"What?" he was confused on what she was acting like that.

"First you are cute as hell, and second you pop out cute kids? You make the damn Cinnamon roll trio I swear" The three tilted their heads at her "The what now?" she gave up, he was older then her yet purer then her, how in the hell does that work? "Keef, what is she talking- are you okay?" he was hiding his face, why are they so damn cute?! "Keef~ Are you okay?" Cole took Mela into his small hands and she giggled, and Lance poke Keith in the back before seeing the purple tail and a mischievous glint settled in his eyes.

"First you are cute as hell, and second you pop out cute kids? You make the damn Cinnamon roll trio I swear" The three tilted their heads at her "The what now?" she gave up, he was older then her yet purer then her, how in the hell does that work?...

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He reached for the tail and grabbed it, Keith jumped in surprise and turned to see the culprit only seeing his mate with his tail in hand "Hahaha! Payback Keef!" he laughed and Keith had the funniest irk mark on his face that Pidge ended up bursting out laughing, "Everything alright over here?" Allura and the others looked over to see Pidge hunched over laughing and Lance grinning with happiness and Keith's irk mark. "Uh, Why does he have Keith's tail?" Shiro asked "It's payback for all the times he--" Lance stopped himself from going further and his cheeks flared bright red and now Keith grinned, "You were saying?" Lance glared "Okay do not finish that sentence especially around the kids" Shiro knew exactly what he meant now, a tail is always sensitive. Lance let go of his tail to hide his face but Keith's arms hugged around him "Nope, no hiding your face from me" Lance stuck his tongue out at him and Keith looked very, very close to kissing him in front of everyone but Lance blocked his mouth with his hands embarrassed. "No. Everyone's watching" Keith groaned, Cock blockers. 

Shiro smiled. Keith was turning back to his old self but not his appearance. 

"Cock blockers" he muttered under his breath loud enough for only Pidge and Lance to hear and Pidge laughed again while Lance his face in his hands "Pidge, please don't pass out" Hunk was worried for her "I-i- pfft. I can't help it" the kids had no idea what was happening but decided to ignore it and just play together, Cole may have just met her but he likes playing with Mela like he's known her longer then just today. However he was curious on who Keith was, he looked nice and treated his mom nice he just wish he could speak better to actually figure out more. 

Mela giggled at her parents in Cole's arms making them look at her "Oh! I wish I had a camera!!!" Lance really wished he had a camera right now because Mela was sitting in Cole's lap while his legs were balancing them on the floor and he had his arms wrapped protectively around her waist to keep her from falling, they were so adorable!!



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