3: You Make Me Want To Puke

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"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

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"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit." I spat out as I stumbled away from the phone I'd just slammed back on to the receiver.

"Who was that?" Jillian asked. I looked over at her, my vision so blurry I could hardly make out her features. My memory told me she was a brunette with a body that would make a priest walk into a glass door, which was exactly my type. Something about dark hair and nice tits always does it for me. We walked outside and shared a cigarette while I waited for Olivia.

I held myself up with one arm against the house standing in front of her. I was pulling out some of my very best drunk flirting, which was mostly saying dirty things to the girl and making her blush. I had my lips practically on her ear when I felt someone taping on my shoulder.

"One minute sweetheart. Little busy." I said raising my hand up, keeping my eyes on Jillian, assuming it was just another adoring fan.

"If you don't start moving in three seconds I'm leaving you here."

I whipped my body around and saw Olivia Wilson standing in front of me. I must have spun around too fast because I felt horribly light headed again.

"Livy Wilson! My favorite stripper!" I don't know why I decided to slur that out. Drunk me has his own agenda. But even drunk I could feel Olivia stabbing me over and over with a butcher knife through her sparkling blue eyes. Have they always been that blue?

"Shut up and get in the car Munson." Olivia snipped.

"Damn can you chill out for like two minutes?" I glared at her, wanting to make sure I got Jillian's number for later.

"Fine. I'll wait in the car. If you're not there in two minutes you're walking your wasted ass home." Olivia huffed and stormed over to her car. I cocked my head as I watched her frame get farther and farther away. I noticed the curve of her ass and sway of her hips. Has she always been kinda hot? Scratch that. Has she always been smokin' hot? I shook my head, trying to silence drunk Eddie.

I turned around to finish with Jillian but saw that she'd already moved on to some other guy inside the house. Fucking figures that Olivia Wilson would be the biggest cockblock known to mankind. I trudged over to her dark sedan and opened the door and threw myself into the passenger seat with a loud groan.

"What, she shoot you down already?" Olivia smirked at me.

"Are you always such a bitch?" I asked, massaging my temples with my fingertips. Tomorrows hangover is going to blow.

Olivia took a deep breath before snarking back. "Are you always such a douchebag?"

 "Are you always such a douchebag?"

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