15: Rescue

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June 30th, 1994

It took a month and half of the continental United States for things to start to feel even close to normal again

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It took a month and half of the continental United States for things to start to feel even close to normal again. We were making our way to New York City and everyone on the bus was excited. Robin's adventure with us ended a couple weeks ago and I was getting used to not having her around as a buffer.

But because of course, the bus had some kind of mechanical issue and we have to stay in a hotel in New York City for the week. The bands playing two shows here and we're staying pretty close to the venue. But the last thing I need is a repeat of the Eddie Wallbanger chronicles. At this point that would be the bullet that finally killed me.

I finished packing my things for the week into a single suitcase while Eddie chastised me most of the time. We rolled our bags in to the lobby and I got everyone checked in. Once we got to our floor everyone went to their rooms and I noticed Eddie was following me to my door. Odd. He stopped one door short of mine and it hit that we were sharing a wall. Again.

I entered the room and laid my suitcase down when I heard the door opening. I frowned and ran to the door and looked and no one was there. Great. This place is haunted.

I sighed and turned to walk back into the sleeping area when I walked right into Eddie. What the fuck?

"Our rooms are connected." Eddie smirked for a reason I'm not sure of. There was no mischief to be had here. He's the one that drew that line.

"Did you just come in here on your own?!" I shouted. "Haven't you heard of privacy! I could have been changing!" I shouted, scolding him. But he didn't seem to care.

"Nothing I haven't seen before sweets." And now he's leaning against the wall. Someone kill me.

"What, so you think that just because you've seen it once or twice you're somehow entitled to seeing it forever?!"

"What, so you think that just because you've seen it once or twice you're somehow entitled to seeing it forever?!"

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"Just go back to your own room. This is my room." I growled.

"We could always share a room..." Eddie suggested with a sensual tone. What is he trying to do to me?

"Eddie. Stop. It's not happening." I said as I put some of my clothes into one of the dresser drawers. Eddie just laughed to himself and walked back into his room. I ran over and shut the door behind him and made sure it was locked with the little clasp that held the door shut and couldn't be opened by a key. That should keep him out of my room and out of me.


I should have known testing the waters with her again was going to go terribly

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I should have known testing the waters with her again was going to go terribly. I don't know what possessed me to do it. Nothings changed. I'm still her boss. She's still a pain in the ass.

And I still wanted her so badly it made my throat burn.

The last month had been torture. Being waterboarded would have felt like a water massage compared to having to keep myself from really touching her. The sneaky ass grab was as close to her as I've gotten since everything fell apart.

I changed into a clean pair of black jeans and a Iron Maiden t-shirt and laid on my back on the bed and waited for Olivia to bang on my door and summon me to dinner with the rest of the guys. I laid like that for two hours. I was the first person she gathered so we made our way down the hall grabbing the rest of the guys. We were walking to some bar and even though the sun was almost completely set, we all had sunglasses on in a feeble attempt to disguise ourselves. Though, it actually seemed to be working.

We sat outside at a table together and everything was going smoothly. I actually made Olivia laugh. Someone alert the media. It was a begrudging laugh, but I'll take whatever I can get.

For some reason for the entire time we'd been in New York City, Olivia had this aura of anxiousness. She didn't seem comfortable at all. I figured she'd be excited to be back here, but she seemed to be dreading it.

Dustin was talking about this new microphone he'd enhanced for the mobile recording booth when I noticed Olivia's eyes glance over my shoulder and squeeze into a squint. A few seconds later what looked like all of the blood in her face drained out of her body.

"Oh shit." Dustin muttered. I looked over my shoulder and didn't notice anything so I turned back around. I looked down and Olivia was now physically squeezing the armrest of her chair.

"Olivia Wilson? Is that you?" A male voice calmed called out. It was one I didn't recognize. I turned my head towards the voice and saw a guy about my height, maybe a little taller than me. In shape. Green eyes. Short hair. Douchey. Olivia seemed to almost grimace as he walked up to us.

"Who is that?" I whispered to Dustin.

"Oh hey Ryan!" I could hear the forced pleasantness in her voice.

"Her ex." Dustin whispered back. My spine straightened immediately and I tracked him with my eyes. Of course Olivia was polite and introduced us all but I could tell she wanted him to leave. She wanted him around probably as much as I did, maybe even less. He asked to speak to her alone and Dustin immediately kicked my foot under the table, keeping me from jumping to my feet.

Olivia got up and walked around the tiny black iron fence that separates us from the people flocking up and down on the side walk. They didn't go far so I could see them clearly. They appeared to be arguing. I felt myself now clenching the armrest of the chair Dustin had to corral me once again.

Then I noticed this Ryan character started to get angrier and angrier. She can handle herself, right? I don't know why this whole situation was getting under my skin, but it sure as hell was.

The yelling seemed to get more intense between to too and peaked after Olivia slapped him in the face. Yes. That's my girl.


She's not mine.

I have to try and remember that. She's not mine. I do not own her. I do not possess her. She is not mine.

Ryan started really getting in her face and my brain left my body and I jumped up and started towards them. She needs me. She needs my help.

I have to rescue her.

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