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7 Years Later

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7 Years Later

Maybe it's just me, but when everyone said marriage is hard and marriage takes a lot of work, I had no idea that it really would require effort. I guess I'd just fallen into the notion that once you get hitched everything just falls in to place. Sure there's fights or whatever, I mean it is me and Olivia, but I didn't know there would be legitimate battles.

The first few years were admittedly, an adjustment. At first nothing felt different but the weight of actually being legally bound to each other intensified everything to a level I don't think either of us was expecting. Thankfully, we fight even harder to stay together than we do when we're mad at each other.

The first mini-war was when Olivia was pregnant with Chase. I guess I'd talked to some new merch girl for too long for Olivia's liking and she went from zero to hundred practically instantly. I blamed the baby hormones. In hindsight, probably not the best idea. My argument that I was just talking to this girl, which was the truth, seemed to only piss her off more. We fought for a week and there was a moment where I really didn't think we'd come back from it. It wasn't until I woke up one night and saw that Olivia wasn't next to me that I kicked myself in the ass hard enough to see the light. I threw myself at her feet and we spent an entire day just unleashing weeks worth of frustration, but we got everything out there. No one loved each other any less. In fact, I think we loved each other more after that.

It was right after our World War I that Olivia made the decision to give up her career and stay at home. I tried to talk her out of it. I made sure she knew she didn't have to, but this was her decision. She said that after holding Chase in her arms and looking at his little tuft of already curly brown hair that something changed inside her. I'd always imagined that Olivia would work until she physically couldn't anymore, but she was more than happy to make the change. I gotta say, she never looked more beautiful than she did holding him in her arms.

Babies are scary. I'm not afraid to admit that there was a learning curve when Chase was born. For both of us. I don't think we really slept for the first four months. But Olivia and I did what we do best and we teamed up to conquer this. Chase was a new adventure for us. A new frontier. We needed a lot of help form Olivia's parents learning the basics of child rearing, but once we got the hang of it, it was off to the races. By the time Chase was three and Graham was born, we were old pros. I could change a diaper faster than Olivia and I reminded her every day.

But now here we are, seven years after getting married and Olivia is pregnant, again. Whoops. If she wasn't so damn beautiful when she was growing life maybe I'd stop knocking her up. Okay that's a lie. Olivia wants as many kids as possible and after getting over my initial baby apprehension with Chase, I was more than happy to do it again. And again and again and again. Anyways...

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