39: Very Adult Of Us

203 12 14

May 1995

There's a fine line between love and hate, and I walk that line with Eddie every second of every day

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There's a fine line between love and hate, and I walk that line with Eddie every second of every day. Incredibly enough, we wouldn't have it any other way. Is that healthy? Probably not.

My thoughts dissipated as I continued to pick up around Eddie's apartment. There were clothes thrown everywhere, beer bottles scattered around, it looked like a frat house. It wasn't until earlier today when Basil came running towards me with a pair of my panties stuck around his leg that I truly understood how much work this place needed.

In Eddie's defense, about 4% of the mess came from me. Specifically, my discarded clothes. We spent our time mostly in my apartment now and I preferred it that way. We've been back together for a few months now and as I tossed another t-shirt into the laundry basket it struck me that it would be so much easier if we just moved in together. But like hell was I going to ask him.

By the late afternoon I had only finished about half of the apartment and I was exhausted, like actually sweating. I looked around the room and let out a sigh that could have moved a mountain. There better be some hot sex in my future for this.

Normally I'd be at work right now but my office was closed for a reason unbeknownst to me, and I wasn't exactly going to press them about it. I'd take whatever time I could off. Eddie was off recording the newest Corroded Coffin album. They were taking a much more relaxed approach this time, so I doubt the album will be finished by the end of the year. The band deserved some downtime after the shit show that was last year.

I made my way into Eddie's kitchen area. The colors were dark but muted and there wasn't absolutely any decor to judge. I poured myself a glass of water and then made my way to the living room and plopped down on the couch with a huff. Though, I'm pretty sure I sat on a potato chip. Gag. A deep breath filled my lungs while I leaned my head back against the couch. I'll close my eyes for just a second...


I stirred in my sleep at the sound of my name.

"Are you asleep?"

The voice piercing through my slumber felt like a pickaxe in my brain. I would have given my left leg for them to just shut up. But suddenly I was being shaken and my eyes fluttered open, only to be met with brown eyes the size of the moon and a head full of unruly brown hair.

"Were you sleeping?" Eddie asked me, tilting his head curiously at me like a bird.

"Well not anymore," I grumbled while I rubbed sleep from my eyes.

"Is that what you did all day? Took a nap? Must be nice to not have anything to do. Maybe —"

Oh no. Absolutely not. I leaped off the couch and marched towards Eddie. "Are you fucking kidding me? Do you not see the current state of this dump?!"

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