19: A Loss Of Virginity**

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Ah fuck

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Ah fuck. I nooked him. I'm so fucked. I can't believe I freaking nooked him. The last person I nooked was Ryan and look how that turned out. He was right there and I got comfortable and...I nooked him. But there is just something so perfect about that little spot where his arm meets his chest. It's perfect. I can almost hear his heart beat. It feels close, connected, intimate.

I'm so fucked.

At first neither of us said anything. I don't think we knew what to say. So I just traced his tattoos and enjoyed my nook.

"I was wrong about you."

I tilted my head up again to look at him. I could hardly see him since the only light coming in was from the mostly closed bathroom door, but I could see his brown eyes glowing. But maybe I was hallucinating. Surely he didn't just say that.

"I'm sorry?" I needed him to say it again so I could believe it.

"I was wrong about you, Olivia."

"Why's that?" Dear god if we were standing I'd faint. I'd fall over on the ground unconscious.

"You're not icy at all. You're quite hot." He's smirking. I just know it.

I laughed but I'm sure it sounded like a snort. Attractive Olivia. Really attractive. Very ladylike.

"Well I'm glad you've finally wised up to the fact that I'm not a robot." I smirked back. It's contagious.

"Tell me something else about you." Eddie asked, staring up at the ceiling now.

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Uh, what's your favorite color?" This time he sounded nervous. I felt bad when I laughed pretty damn loud.

"What's my favorite color?" I asked, a little bit in disbelief.

"Shit! I don't know!" Eddie scoffed. He's really not very good at this.

"What, you've never had a little pillow talk after any of your conquests?" I raised an eyebrow at him teasingly. I didn't actually care. But when I saw his gaze shoot down at the bed to his side I knew I was right. He hadn't. He'd never gotten that far with any of the girls.

"I'm sorry. You don't have to say anything." I backtracked, feeling guilty for inadvertently rubbing his nose in his past like that. Thankfully he just laughed.

"I haven't, actually. Don't really spend a lot of time talking to the girls."

"Impressive. You manage to get them into bed while remaining relatively silent. You should write a book." Shit. I'm teasing him again. But he's laughing. Why can't I suddenly not get enough of his laugh?

"My favorite color is black." He answered a question I didn't ask.

"File that under things that don't shock me." I giggled. I actually fucking giggled. Like a schoolgirl. What is wrong with me?!

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