13: Smack

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Robin's going to kill me

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Robin's going to kill me. Shit. Shit shit shit. I made my way towards her when someone pointed me out and all hell broke loose. Thankfully, it gave me an excuse to get the hell out of there and in to Robin's car. Once we'd successfully fled the masses I sat in her passenger seat while she stared at me.

"Something happened." She said squinting her eyes. Fuck. She's gonna figure it out.

"Oh. Uhhhh. Nothing happened." Shit.

Robin let out an exasperated sigh. "Just tell me what you did." I hesitated, not wanting to say it out loud.

"You know I'm going to find out eventually. Spill it Munson."

I let out a shaky breath and grimaced. "I had sex with Olivia."

Robin blinked at me and stared at me in shock for about thirty seconds. Then she started hitting me.

"Eddie Munson you idiot! You idiot!" Her arms smacked the hell out of me. She started to move on to my face and I had to throw my arms up to protect myself.

"I know Robin I know! I fucked up!" I conceded and awaited further reprimanding. But I had to tell her the whole truth.

"And....it gets worse."

"Spill. It."

"I ran away and told her it was a mistake."

More blinking. More silence.

Then more smacking.

"Jesus Robin will you let me explain?!" I shouted back at her, having to raise my voice to be heard over her slaps.

"You are such a jackass! She is not one of the ladies in your harem! She's our friend!"

"No, she's your friend." I corrected her.

More smacking.

"Christ Robin just give me a second!" I shouted, my hands still up protecting my face. She finally withdrew her hands.

"What Eddie? What could possibly explain how you just gave her emotional whiplash." Her eyes darted down to my pocket and she gasped. "And you stole her panties! You gave her emotional whiplash and then took her panties!"

More smacking.

I think at some point she called me a pervert but my ears were ringing from the slaps so I'm not entirely sure.

Robin took a deep breath in a much appreciated attempt to simmer down. "So what now?"

"Nothing I guess." I felt myself shrug. "You know she and I can't be a thing. It's for her own good."

"If you thought that then why were you actively trying to sabotage her date?! You can't have it both ways Eddie!"

"I know I know I know. I'm just hoping maybe we can just forget all of this ever happened and everything will go back to normal." Robin exploded into laughter.

Bang bang bang. What the fuck?

Bang bang bang bang.

"Get out of the car Munson!"

Bang bang bang bang.

"Get out of the fucking car!"

I heard Steve trying to open the car door but it was locked. I looked at Robin in panic and she just glared at me and I saw her hand twitch towards the lock.


Ah shit. This is gonna hurt.

"STEVE STOP IT!" I screamed as I chased him through the parking lot

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"STEVE STOP IT!" I screamed as I chased him through the parking lot. Me and my big mouth. I just had to be honest with him about everything and now here I am trying to keep him from committing a crime punishable by a long life in prison. Steve's too pretty for prison. He'd never last.

I finally started to catch up and saw Steve banging on the passenger side window of Robin's car. I'm a little shocked he didn't actually shatter it. Out of nowhere he ripped the door open and then pulled Eddie out, essentially dragging him to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

By the time I was able to try and help Robin pull Steve off Eddie he'd already given him a big shiner around his eye and a busted lip, maybe even a concussion.

"Steve that's enough!" Robin shouted, grabbing at his arms. I looked over at Eddie who was just laying on the ground all bloody and pathetic. He didn't even try to fight back. I wanted to feel the warm excitement of exacting revenge but really I just felt sad. Sad and tired.

Eddie finally got on his feet and wiped his bloody lip off on his sleeve. "Olivia, can I talk to you?"

"Eddie maybe that's not a good idea." Robin winced. I shook my head and went after Eddie a little ways down the parking lot for some privacy.

"You wanna tell me what that was all about?" I crossed my arms across my chest. Maybe I should be a little softer, but fuck do I want to kill him.

"We can't be together Olivia." Eddie said emotionlessly, like he was already dead inside.

"You think I don't know that? I told you that! You're the one who keeps changing everything. But since I'm just such a huge mistake, let's just leave it at that and pretend none of this ever happened." I tried to take some deep breaths but my skin was on fire with fury. I wasn't just mad at him. I was mad at myself for not being strong enough to push him away. But there was just something about him that caused me to just melt into his arms whenever he touched me.

I drew in a long breath and let it out slowly. "Can we just let this go? You stop trying to fuck up my dates and just let me do my job. That's all I'm here to do Eddie. So let me. Let me go."

Eddie just stared at me for a minute. I wasn't sure if he was going to cry or scream or strangle me. He ended up doing none of the above. He just agreed with me by saying "okay."

I turned in my heels and marched back to Robin and Steve. Steve pulled me into a hug and went to drop me off at home. Robin did the same for Eddie.

When I got home I cried myself to sleep.

Time felt like it was standing still.

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