24: The Fall Of Icarus

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Call me Icarus

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Call me Icarus.

You know that Greek mythology story? Guy escapes with wings his friend made him. Then that same friend warns him and says "be careful dude don't fly too close to the sun." And what does Icarus do? He ignores his friend and flies too close to the sun and his fucking wings melt and his stupid ass falls into the ocean and he drowns.

Call me Icarus.

Let's rewind a little. The morning after the woman I had deemed the satanic queen herself destroyed my beautiful car it was Dustin who showed up first at my door.

"Eddie! Eddie wake the hell up!" He shouted as he pounded his fist on the door. If it was anyone else I would just wait for them to go away, but I knew Dustin wouldn't give up, the relentless little shit. I hurled myself out of my bed and slid a pair of jeans on and threw open the door.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Dustin screamed at me.

"Dude shut up I'm hungover." I groaned as I rubbed my head.

"I don't give a shit! What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you do that?! She fucking quit! She's gone!"

"Good! She was a traitorous bitch!" I shouted back. Why is he taking her side?!

"What are you talking about?!" Dustin shouted.

"She cheated on me Henderson! First she comes on to Billy fucking Hargrove in front of me and then the next day she's got her face in Harrington's lap!"

"Eddie what the hell are you talking about?!" I really don't know how I can make this any more clear.

I strain to take a deep breath. "She cheated on me Dustin. She broke my fucking heart." I said, finally letting some of the sadness flood back in. I'd been keeping it at bay with the help of my trusty friend Jack Daniels.

"Oh for the love of Christ. You need to come with me." Dustin demanded. As soon as he said that the girl from last night tip toed out of the bedroom in one of my shirts and the skirt she wore the night before. Dustin took one look at her and then looked back at me and rolled his eyes. "Get your shit and let's go."

Dustin brought us to Olivia and Robin's apartment building. "Like hell am I going in there." I pouted. The last thing I wanted to do was be face to face with her again.

"She's not there Eddie." Dustin sighed. I followed him up the stairs and was met with Steve and Robin.

"Is this where Harrington apologizes to me for sucker-punching me in the face?" I raised my eyebrows. Steve just threw his head back and laughed.

"You deserved way more than what I did man. You got off lucky. I would have broken your jaw if she had let me. You can only talk right now because she allowed it...for reasons I don't totally understand." Steve growled.

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