20: Smooth Sailing**

331 14 35

October 1994

Time really is relative

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Time really is relative. It flies when you're having a lot of really great sex with your actual rockstar boyfriend. It stands still when you're trapped in a closet with said boyfriend while one of your friends searches a concert venue for you and they're right on the other side of the door.

Originally we were going to tell all of our friends about our relationship, but...the timing never felt right. There was never really a moment to shout "Surprise! We don't just hate each other we actually really like each other and fuck like rabbits!"

Did I mention the sex? Anyways.

The rest of the summer tour flew by the band even did a quick fall tour. But once they got back at the beginning of the month the main focus has been the new album. The goal was to get it out by the holidays so it was released in time for possible award consideration. I don't want to sound presumptuous...but this one's probably their best, and that's not just because I've been helping them write it. Eddie writes melodies and I occasionally string a few words together and then we, with the rest of the band, sort of Frankenstein all of it together. Except almost every song was put together that way. But back to the closet.

The band had just played a secret show in Indianapolis and I'd done my usual sneaking in. Eddie and I had perfected an otherwise flawless system of various color and styles of wig and a hell of a lot of sunglasses. Given Eddie's reputation with women, no one thought twice about him leaving with a random girl all the time. It was perfect. Until it wasn't.

I'd gotten impatient. Usually I wait until the very end of the show to go seek out my boyfriend, but I wanted to be there to greet him when he got off stage. However, Dustin caught me without my sunglasses running down a hall. Eddie walked out of their green room and I yanked him into a nearby closet and we waited for Dustin to either get bored or just flat out give up. Eddie thought Dustin might never give up and we'd die in this closet. I wasn't quite as convinced.

I heard Dustin's footsteps start to get further and further away and looked over at Eddie and smirked triumphantly.

"Told you so." I instantly felt him trying to shoot lasers from his eyes into my face. If there's one thing Eddie hated more than anything it was being proven wrong. He was king of I'm Always Right land and when there was an attack on his castle of stubbornness, it wasn't pretty.

Eddie started to open the closet door and I decided to push my luck. "Just open the door."

That's another thing he hated, being told what to do while he'd already doing it. So I did it.

"I will fucking kill you." Eddie growled. I'm pretty positive 99.9% of girls in my shoes at that moment would go running for the hills. Their boyfriend threatens to kill them? Peace out. Bye. See you never. For us? This was our love language. Pure unadulterated hatred. It doesn't make sense, but the heart wants what the heart wants and apparently mine has attached itself to his, regardless of how often we threaten to kill each other. Probably because we know neither of us is really that serious. Though, before we started dating I'd think he was serious and he should have taken every single one of my threats seriously. But lucky for him after we got together I realized how sad I'd be after he was gone, and I like to think he feels the same way about me. We like each other too much to actually kill each other, but we hate each other too much to not threaten each others lives from time to time. And I love it. I should probably see someone about that.

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