36: Breaking Free and Breaking Up

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"Hello?! Did you not hear me?!" Olivia shouted and waved her hand in front of my face. I just blinked at her. "Wait, are you having a stroke? Oh my god." Olivia grabbed my forearm and pulled me back into my apartment.

"Did you say you loved me?" I asked, still in a bit of a daze.

"Of course I did dumbass!" She shouted at me like she really meant to say she was going to execute me at a moments notice.

"I.......think I'm in shock." I said as I sat down at on the couch in my living room. Olivia sat down next to me and crossed her legs, her knees pushing into the side of my own leg. A couple minutes passed but neither of us spoke.

Breaking the silence, Olivia asked, "Did I just fuck everything up?"

I turned my head to face her so quickly I'm pretty sure I gave myself whiplash. "No. No no no no no. That's not it at all."

Olivia blinked a couple times. "Then what is it?' You're killing me here Eddie." I could tell from her constant fidgeting that her anxiety levels were through the roof.

"You really love me?" I asked again quietly. Olivia chose to roll her eyes at me.

"Of course I do," She said before smacking the back of my head.

"I love you Olivia," Was all I could get out. There was no way this was real. Olivia Wilson didn't just show up in my doorway and say she loved me. This has to be a dream.

"Holy shit!" Olivia exclaimed having caught a better glimpse at the damage to my face. I had a cut across my cheekbone and a bloody lip. She ran into the kitchen and wrapped up some ice and brought it back to me on the couch before I could even ask what she was doing. The makeshift pack of cold smashed into my cheek quickly like a slap.

"Jesus. I think that hurt more than the actual punch." I grumbled.

"Did you get in trouble?" Olivia brushed my rebellious bangs off my forehead.

"Yes." I began.

"Those assholes!" She shouted, startling me. I just looked at her abs raised my eyebrows.

"Wait wait wait. There's more." I went to elaborate but Olivia was already raking her fingertips down her cheeks.

"I'm free." I smiled. Olivia had no idea what I meant.

"We're not with the label anymore."

"What?!" Olivia screeched like a possessed banshee.

"Yeah. I was getting shit for defending myself and the exec didn't say shit to Joshua. They just asked why I wasn't with Medusa." I sneered through my teeth. After Olivia left Joshua, the exec, and myself discussed what happened next. I had been instructed to go back to Medusa and scolded for daring to strike their new golden boy. I tried to argue but the label pretty much said go fuck yourself.

"So now what?! You guys were going to work on another album!" I watched as Olivia went into business gear and jumped to her feet.

"We'll start our own label. We've got enough support. It's about time we branch out and try." I shrugged. The answer was relatively simple.

"You're being pretty nonchalant about your career." She raised her eyebrows.

"That's because it doesn't matter. What matters is you." I smiled genuinely back at her, trying to change the subject.

"Always such a sweet talker." She chuckled before sitting back down next to me.

"You think so? I think I'm a little rusty." Olivia laughed and it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard. God how I missed it.

"Are we really going to do this?" I brought my legs up under me and sat crossed legged and faced Olivia.

"Yes Eddie. I love you. I want to try to do this with you. I know you're a mess and I'm a mess and we're always seconds from stabbing each other at any given moment."

"That's a little presumptuous. I don't carry my knives around with me." I teased her. She gave me a little shove and rested her cheek against the top of the couch, facing me. She just stared at me for a minute, seeming to be studying my face.

"But to answer your question...yes. I want to try this for real with you Olivia. Ever since high school. You've always been the only one for me."

"Yeah, tell that to your previous harem of women." Olivia smirked.

"There was no harem!" I shouted back, sending us into fits of laughter so intense it made my sides hurt.

"Eddie, I met them. There was one. But that's all the past." Olivia sighed.

"Can we talk about something else? Talking about my previous sexual conquests, though numerous and occasionally amusing, really isn't turning me on at all." I groaned.

Olivia burst out laughing unashamedly. "Tell me more about what you did with the label. And don't get sidetracked!"

"Well," I began. "I told the exec that if he's going to put me in the wrong for what happened with Joshua and try to pawn me off on some singer at the label they were out of their damn minds. I'm not putting up with it anymore." My tone shifted from playful to a bit frustrated. The moment the exec dismissed me to go back to Natalie I knew what I had to do. I'd talked to the band about it before so when the news broke, they were just happy to see me standing up for us.

"But don't you guys need a place to record? A producer?" She asked in a little bit of a panic.

"You know, borderline neurotic is a stunning look for you." I smirked.

"Oh just shut up!" Olivia smiled brightly back at me.

"Our first night back together isn't really going the way I thought it would." I let my head fall back against the couch.

"We have the rest of our lives to enjoy each other, one night starting by ironing out some details won't kill us."

"And here I was to think that you sprinted up here because your hunger for me had become so insatiable you couldn't control it anymore." I playfully scolded her. "Or Medusa finally found out where you lived and was going to come egg your door."

"Why does she care?" Olivia asked, having no idea why Natalie would give a single shit about her.

"She's jealous." I shrugged, not knowing what else to do.

"I guess I have to break up with her tomorrow." I groaned into my hands. I'd forgotten there were a few loose ends to tie up. "Really I should have dumped her before getting a new girlfriend. Whoops."

"Oh, so I'm your girlfriend now?" Olivia crawled up onto my lap, her legs straddling the sides of hips.

"Aren't you?" I gazed up to find her eyes.

"Oh man Eddie I don't know." Olivia spoke in a stressed and exhausted exhale. "This is all just happening so fast. It's so sudden." She said dramatically.

"I'm pleased to know you spent our time apart sharpening your acting skills." I grabbed her hips and smiled up at her.

"Well of course I brushed up on my theatrical abilities. If I'm going to be dating you again I had to perfect the fine art of hiding how badly I want to find a creative way to end your life at any given moment."

I gulped. A flash of heat passed through Olivia's eyes. I wasn't sure if she was kidding or not.

But I'm willing to bet she was completely serious.

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