10: Club Mixed Signals**

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I managed to spend a full week without running in to Eddie

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I managed to spend a full week without running in to Eddie. My actual office saw more of me this week than it has since I started this job. Usually I worked in the studio with the band, enjoying the music and chatter in the background. Now I was terrified to even be in the same room as Eddie. I don't trust myself anymore. That's why when the label announced they were throwing this big party for all of the bands and musicians I wanted to throw myself off a bridge. I managed to coax Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, and Robin to go with me as buffers. They were instructed to physically carry me out of the party if so much as a longing stare was exchanged between me and Eddie. My boss. My ridiculously hot boss. My boss who made me see stars while he fucked me in to an oblivion.

I tasked the girls with helping me pick an outfit that made me shine without dipping into possible temptation material. It was a delicate balance. We settled on jeans and a simple black crop top. Nothing fancy. I was even going to wear flats.

Robin and I took turns saying goodbye to Basil, leaving him with pleas not to cause a ruckus in our absence. He likely would regardless, but it felt good to remind him. He looked at me with his dopey cat eyes and meowed at me and I swear he said "keep your legs closed Olivia." Ever since he was neutered he'd been the epitome of judgmental. He was chronically averse to the male species with one exception, Eddie. Because of course.

"It's going to be a huge party, maybe you won't even see him." Steve said as he drove to the fancy side of the city suburbs. He didn't know the full reason why I'd been avoiding Eddie, but he disliked Eddie enough not to bother pushing the subject.

"He'll probably be flocking to chicks with the fake boobs." Robin snorted. I shrugged. She was probably right, and for some reason that irked me. Chasing silicone after having all of this? It's insulting, really. Come on Eddie. Do better. Do me.


We got to the almost comically large mansion and the party was in full swing. People were everywhere, quite reminiscent of the parties Steve used to throw in high school.

"Remember the plan. If you see him coming towards me, block me in and don't let him near me." As soon as I finished speaking my friends nodded and we breached the entryway into the house. We were on a mission. Drink and dance and keep me the hell away from Eddie. Things went smoothly for about an hour. Once the liquor started flowing my so called secret service started sleeping on the job. Metaphorically speaking, that is.

They'd left me alone and unprotected in the kitchen of the house scoping out a cup of whatever lethal punch had been set out.

"What, Miss Priss is too good for beer?"

Oh no.

I felt my body tense as I tried to focus on filling up my little plastic cup. I turned around and of course Eddie was standing so close to me my nose was practically in his shoulder.

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