38: Steady State Of Constant Chaos**

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"God you're such a fucking man child!" Olivia shouted at me from across her apartment

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"God you're such a fucking man child!" Olivia shouted at me from across her apartment. It had taken approximately forty-eight hours for our relationship to return to its steady state of constant chaos and fuck if we weren't loving every second of it.

"How does wanting to spend time with you make me a man child?!" I shouted back, fighting the urge to smirk. Light burst through the window in the living room with the glow of a new day. The world is around us was serene and bright, which oddly enough became the perfect background for moments such as this.

Olivia stormed around in a lazy circle and dug her fingertips into her head. "Because you're fucking pouting about it!"

"I'm not pouting about shit!"

Suddenly a black blur went flying by my head and clattered to the floor behind me. I turned around and saw a black sandal splayed haphazardly on the ground. She threw a god damn shoe at me. She threw a god. damn. shoe at me.

"Hope you have fun walking around with just one shoe Liv because you're never going to see this one again," I strutted around twirling the straps of the sandal around my pointer finger, casually making my way to the window.

Olivia gasped when she realized what I was doing. "You wouldn't fucking dare."

I cracked a wicked smirk her way and used my free hand to push open the window, getting Basil's attention. "I'll do it," I threatened.

"Eddie so help me if you drop that shoe..." Olivia said through clenched teeth as she stormed towards me, her thunderous stomping sending Basil running back out of the room.

"Can we not fight in front of the children?" I shook my head as the pitter patter of Basil's paws faded in the hallway.

"Just give me my shoe! I have to leave for work!" Olivia threw her arms out at me as she grabbed like crazy for the sandal.

"Not until you take it back!" I dangled the shoe out the window with nothing but air separating it from a likely fatal descent to the pavement below.

"I'll take it back when you stop acting like a toddler that got their toy taken away!" Olivia scratched at my wrist while I carefully used my palm against her chest to keep her away from me.

"Says the one using me as a scratching post over a fucking shoe!"

"They're Jimmy Choo sandals Eddie! Don't use the lords name in vain!" Olivia screeched so loudly I think my ears began to bleed.

"Olivia Wilson that's blasphemous." I couldn't contain my smirk anymore.

"I will push you out this fucking window Eddie!" She shouted as she rolled away from my hand and shoved her hands into my chest, sending me right up against the window. Had I been shorter I probably have would have fallen right out.

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