21: Change Takes Time**

299 16 42

January 1994

"Dustin will you please stop pacing?! You're making me even more anxious

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"Dustin will you please stop pacing?! You're making me even more anxious." Eddie hissed.

"I'm sorry it calms my nerves down to move around!" Dustin shouted back.

Here we were, sitting in Eddie's apartment. Me, Eddie, Dustin, Jeff, and Gareth. The day of Grammy nominations came and we all stared at the phone on the ground in the middle of us like we were waiting for it to sprout legs and tap dance.

Ring ring ring.

Every single one of our eyes tripled in size. While I was checking the clock Eddie answered the phone. "No Buckley they haven't called yet!" He snapped. I gently patted his arm and signaled for him to take a deep breath. The entire band was on pins and needles. The waiting game was killing all of us.

"What time is it again?" Jeff asked as he flopped on his back on the floor.

"5:59 AM. The calls start at 6 and they're alphabetical by artist name, so I would expect a call within the first ten minutes at least." I advised. The band was nominated for all kinds of awards for the latest album, but we had our eye on three. Album of the year. Song of the year. Record of the year. The band was mostly anxious about album of the year. I was anxious for song of the year, since that involved the actual lyrics of the songs. Dustin was amped for record of the year because he'd get recognition for his role as recording engineer. By 6:06 AM the mood in the apartment was tense.

I looked over at Eddie who groaned and rubbed his ring clad fingers over his face. "They're not gonna call."

"Shut up we don't know that yet!" Dustin, my favorite little optimist shouted back. Eddie was notoriously pessimistic, so having Dustin around was a nice balance. I think Jeff and Gareth were just in stress comas while they laid silently on the floor.

By 6:11 my anxiety hit an all time high. I wanted this so badly for the guys. They'd put their hearts and souls into this album and I prayed to any higher power the Recording Academy noticed. How couldn't they? The songs were all over the radio; the band has never been more popular.

Ring ring ring.

Oh holy shit.

"HOLY SHIT!" We all screamed. Jeff and Gareth practically hurled their bodies off the ground and Dustin was practically in Eddie's lap.

"What do I do?!" Eddie panicked.

"Dude just answer the phone!" Gareth yelled. Eddie looked like a deer in headlights when he pulled the phone up to his ear. We were all practically on top of him, just barely able to hear the other end.

"Hi, this is Barbara Herring with the Recording Academy, is this Eddie Munson?" Eddie answered affirmatively and we all held our breath. "Congratulations! Corroded Coffin has been nominated for..." And I think I blacked out at that point. I just remember a lot of silent screaming and Dustin jumping up and down. Eddie hung up the phone, stood up, and marched out of the room.

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